Hugh Morris
Hugh Morris
Scottish Rural University College
Потвърден имейл адрес: sruc.ac.uk
Weak tradeoff between xylem safety and xylem‐specific hydraulic efficiency across the world's woody plant species
SM Gleason, M Westoby, S Jansen, B Choat, UG Hacke, RB Pratt, ...
New Phytologist 209 (1), 123-136, 2016
A global analysis of parenchyma tissue fractions in secondary xylem of seed plants
H Morris, L Plavcová, P Cvecko, E Fichtler, MAF Gillingham, ...
New Phytologist 209 (4), 1553-1565, 2016
Direct X-ray microtomography observation confirms the induction of embolism upon xylem cutting under tension
JM Torres-Ruiz, S Jansen, B Choat, AJ McElrone, H Cochard, TJ Brodribb, ...
Plant Physiology 167 (1), 40-43, 2015
The amount of parenchyma and living fibers affects storage of nonstructural carbohydrates in young stems and roots of temperate trees
L Plavcová, G Hoch, H Morris, S Ghiasi, S Jansen
American Journal of Botany 103 (4), 603-612, 2016
The parenchyma of secondary xylem and its critical role in tree defense against fungal decay in relation to the CODIT model
H Morris, C Brodersen, FWMR Schwarze, S Jansen
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1665, 2016
Anatomical features associated with water transport in imperforate tracheary elements of vessel-bearing angiosperms
Y Sano, H Morris, H Shimada, LP Ronse De Craene, S Jansen
Annals of botany 107 (6), 953-964, 2011
Are needles of Pinus pinaster more vulnerable to xylem embolism than branches? New insights from X‐ray computed tomography
PS Bouche, S Delzon, B Choat, E Badel, TJ Brodribb, R Burlett, ...
Plant, cell & environment 39 (4), 860-870, 2016
Vessel diameter is related to amount and spatial arrangement of axial parenchyma in woody angiosperms
H Morris, MAF Gillingham, L Plavcova, SM Gleason, ME Olson, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (1), 245-260, 2018
Vessel‐associated cells in angiosperm xylem: highly specialized living cells at the symplast–apoplast boundary
H Morris, L Plavcová, M Gorai, MM Klepsch, M Kotowska, ...
American Journal of Botany 105 (2), 151-160, 2018
Using the CODIT model to explain secondary metabolites of xylem in defence systems of temperate trees against decay fungi
H Morris, AM Hietala, S Jansen, J Ribera, S Rosner, KA Salmeia, ...
Annals of Botany 125 (5), 701-720, 2020
Summer temperatures reach the thermal tolerance threshold of photosynthetic decline in temperate conifers
N Kunert, P Hajek, P Hietz, H Morris, S Rosner, D Tholen
Plant Biology 24 (7), 1254-1261, 2022
Secondary xylem parenchyma-from classical terminology to functional traits
H Morris, S Jansen
Iawa Journal, 1-15, 2016
Mechanical properties and structure–function trade-offs in secondary xylem of young roots and stems
L Plavcová, F Gallenmüller, H Morris, M Khatamirad, S Jansen, T Speck
Journal of Experimental Botany 70 (14), 3679-3691, 2019
Phylogeny best explains latitudinal patterns of xylem tissue fractions for woody angiosperm species across China
J Zheng, X Zhao, H Morris, S Jansen
Frontiers in plant science 10, 556, 2019
On research priorities to advance understanding of the safety-efficiency tradeoff in xylem: A response to Bittencourt et al.'s (2016) comment'On xylem hydraulic efficiencies …
SM Gleason, M Westoby, S Jansen, B Choat, TJ Brodribb, H Cochard, ...
New Phytologist 211 (4), 1156-1158, 2016
Bark: its anatomy, function and diversity
H Morris, S Jansen
The dark side of fungal competition and resource capture in wood: Zone line spalting from science to application
H Morris, KT Smith, SC Robinson, M Göttelmann, S Fink, ...
Materials & Design 201, 109480, 2021
The structure and function of ray and axial parenchyma in woody seed plants
H Morris
Universität Ulm, 2016
Breathing life into trees: the physiological and biomechanical functions of lenticels
S Rosner, H Morris
IAWA Journal 43 (3), 234-262, 2022
Variation in tracheid dimensions of conifer xylem reveals evidence of adaptation to environmental conditions
J Zheng, Y Li, H Morris, F Vandelook, S Jansen
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 774241, 2022
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