Roland Klees
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Cited by
High-resolution water vapor mapping from interferometric radar measurements
RF Hanssen, TM Weckwerth, HA Zebker, R Klees
Science 283 (5406), 1297-1299, 1999
The design of an optimal filter for monthly GRACE gravity models
R Klees, EA Revtova, BC Gunter, P Ditmar, E Oudman, HC Winsemius, ...
Geophysical Journal International 175 (2), 417-432, 2008
Regularization of gravity field estimation from satellite gravity gradients
J Kusche, R Klees
Journal of Geodesy 76, 359-368, 2002
The bias in GRACE estimates of continental water storage variations
R Klees, EA Zapreeva, HC Winsemius, HHG Savenije
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11 (4), 1227-1241, 2007
A data-driven approach to local gravity field modelling using spherical radial basis functions
R Klees, R Tenzer, I Prutkin, T Wittwer
Journal of Geodesy 82, 457-471, 2008
Deformation measurements using SAR interferometry: potential and limitations
R Klees, D Massonnet
Geologie en Mijnbouw 77, 161-176, 1998
How to handle colored observation noise in large least-squares problems
R Klees, P Ditmar, P Broersen
Journal of Geodesy 76, 629-640, 2003
Efficient gravity field recovery from GOCE gravity gradient observations
R Klees, R Koop, P Visser, J Van den Ijssel
Journal of geodesy 74, 561-571, 2000
Computation of spherical harmonic coefficients from gravity gradiometry data to be acquired by the GOCE satellite: regularization issues
P Ditmar, J Kusche, R Klees
Journal of Geodesy 77, 465-477, 2003
Maintaining tropical beaches with seagrass and algae: a promising alternative to engineering solutions
RK James, R Silva, BI Van Tussenbroek, M Escudero-Castillo, ...
BioScience 69 (2), 136-142, 2019
SAR interferometry on a very long time scale: a study of the interferometric characteristics of man-made features
S Usai, R Klees
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 37 (4), 2118-2123, 1999
DEOS Mass Transport model (DMT-1) based on GRACE satellite data: methodology and validation
X Liu, P Ditmar, C Siemes, DC Slobbe, E Revtova, R Klees, R Riva, ...
Geophysical Journal International 181 (2), 769-788, 2010
Comparison of two model approaches in the Zambezi river basin with regard to model reliability and identifiability
HC Winsemius, HHG Savenije, AMJ Gerrits, EA Zapreeva, R Klees
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 10 (3), 339-352, 2006
Statistically optimal estimation of Greenland Ice Sheet mass variations from GRACE monthly solutions using an improved mascon approach
J Ran, P Ditmar, R Klees, HH Farahani
Journal of Geodesy 92, 299-319, 2018
‘DEOS_CHAMP-01C_70’: a model of the Earth’s gravity field computed from accelerations of the CHAMP satellite
P Ditmar, V Kuznetsov, AAE van der Sluijs, E Schrama, R Klees
Journal of Geodesy 79, 586-601, 2006
The static gravity field model DGM-1S from GRACE and GOCE data: computation, validation and an analysis of GOCE mission’s added value
HH Farahani, P Ditmar, R Klees, X Liu, Q Zhao, J Guo
Journal of Geodesy 87, 843-867, 2013
A comparison of global and regional GRACE models for land hydrology
R Klees, X Liu, T Wittwer, BC Gunter, EA Revtova, R Tenzer, P Ditmar, ...
Surveys in Geophysics 29, 335-359, 2008
A Method to Compute the Earth's Gravity Field from SGG/SST data to be acquired by the GOCE Satillite
PG Ditmar, R Klees
Delft University Press, Science, 2002
The choice of the spherical radial basis functions in local gravity field modeling
R Tenzer, R Klees
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 52, 287-304, 2008
Assessment of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) temporal signature over the upper Zambezi
HC Winsemius, HHG Savenije, NC Van De Giesen, B Van Den Hurk, ...
Water Resources Research 42 (12), 2006
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