Dejan Gjorgjevikj
Dejan Gjorgjevikj
Други именаDejan Gjorgjevik, Dejan Gorgevik
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
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An extensive experimental comparison of methods for multi-label learning
G Madjarov, D Kocev, D Gjorgjevikj, S Džeroski
Pattern Recognition 45 (9), 3084–3104, 2012
A multi-class SVM classifier utilizing binary decision tree
G Madjarov, D Gjorgjevikj, I Chorbev
Informatica, 2009
Regression trees from data streams with drift detection
E Ikonomovska, J Gama, R Sebastião, D Gjorgjevik
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5808/2009, 121-135, 2009
Evaluation of different feature sets for gait recognition using skeletal data from Kinect
B Dikovski, G Madjarov, D Gjorgjevikj
2014 37th International Convention on Information and communication …, 2014
A survey of stream data mining
E Ikonomovska, S Loskovska, D Gjorgjevik
ETAI 2007. 8th National Conference with International Participation ETAI …, 2007
Multi-class classification using support vector machines in decision tree architecture
G Madzarov, D Gjorgjevikj
EUROCON 2009, EUROCON'09. IEEE, 288-295, 2009
An efficient three-stage classifier for handwritten digit recognition
D Gorgevik, D Cakmakov
ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern …, 2004
Two stage architecture for multi-label learning
G Madjarov, D Gjorgjevikj, S Dzeroski
Pattern Recognition 45 (3), 1019-1034, 2012
Robust histogram-based feature engineering of time series data
E Zdravevski, P Lameski, R Mingov, A Kulakov, D Gjorgjevikj
Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems Volume 5, Proceedings of …, 2015
Handwritten digit recognition by combining support vector machines using rule-based reasoning
D Gorgevik, D Cakmakov, V Radevski
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Technology …, 2001
Handwritten Digit Recognition by Combining SVM Classifiers
D Gorgevik, D Cakmakov
EUROCON 2005. The International Conference on Computer as a Tool, 2005. 2 …, 2005
Sparse autoencoder-based multi-head deep neural networks for machinery fault diagnostics with detection of novelties
Z Yang, D Gjorgjevikj, J Long, Y Zi, S Zhang, C Li
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 34 (1), 54, 2021
A Multiclass SVM Classifier Utilizing Binary Decision Tree
M Gjorgji, G Dejan, C Ivan
Informatica 33 (2), 233-241, 2009
Static analysis of source code written by novice programmers
T Delev, D Gjorgjevikj
2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 825-830, 2017
Speech synthesizer based on time domain syllable concatenation
L Josifovski, D Mihajlov, D Gjorgjevikj
Proceedings SPECOM, 1997
Evaluation of distance measures for multi-class classification in binary SVM decision tree
G Madzarov, D Gjorgjevikj
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 6113/2010, 437-444, 2010
Efficient Two Stage Voting Architecture for Pairwise Multi-label Classification
G Madjarov, D Gjorgjevikj, T Delev
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 6464/2011, 164-173, 2011
Feature selection and allocation to diverse subsets for multi-label learning problems with large datasets
E Zdravevski, P Lameski, A Kulakov, D Gjorgjevikj
2014 federated conference on computer science and information systems, 387-394, 2014
The use of data-derived label hierarchies in multi-label classification
G Madjarov, D Gjorgjevikj, I Dimitrovski, S Džeroski
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 47, 57-90, 2016
E-Lab: Web Based System for Automatic Assessment of Programming Problems
T Delev, D Gjorgjevikj
ICT Innovations 2012, 75-84, 2012
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