Martin B Short
Martin B Short
Потвърден имейл адрес: math.gatech.edu
Self-exciting point process modeling of crime
GO Mohler, MB Short, PJ Brantingham, FP Schoenberg, GE Tita
Journal of the american statistical association 106 (493), 100-108, 2011
The challenges of modeling and forecasting the spread of COVID-19
AL Bertozzi, E Franco, G Mohler, MB Short, D Sledge
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (29), 16732-16738, 2020
Impact of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on crime in Los Angeles and Indianapolis
G Mohler, AL Bertozzi, J Carter, MB Short, D Sledge, GE Tita, CD Uchida, ...
Journal of criminal justice 68, 101692, 2020
Randomized controlled field trials of predictive policing
GO Mohler, MB Short, S Malinowski, M Johnson, GE Tita, AL Bertozzi, ...
Journal of the American statistical association 110 (512), 1399-1411, 2015
A statistical model of criminal behavior
MB Short, MR D'orsogna, VB Pasour, GE Tita, PJ Brantingham, ...
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 18 (supp01), 1249-1267, 2008
Dissipation and displacement of hotspots in reaction-diffusion models of crime
MB Short, PJ Brantingham, AL Bertozzi, GE Tita
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (9), 3961-3965, 2010
Measuring and modeling repeat and near-repeat burglary effects
MB Short, MR D’orsogna, PJ Brantingham, GE Tita
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 25, 325-339, 2009
The ecology of gang territorial boundaries
PJ Brantingham, GE Tita, MB Short, SE Reid
Criminology 50 (3), 851-885, 2012
Flows driven by flagella of multicellular organisms enhance long-range molecular transport
MB Short, CA Solari, S Ganguly, TR Powers, JO Kessler, RE Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (22), 8315-8319, 2006
Nonlinear patterns in urban crime: Hotspots, bifurcations, and suppression
MB Short, AL Bertozzi, PJ Brantingham
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 9 (2), 462-483, 2010
Reconstruction of missing data in social networks based on temporal patterns of interactions
A Stomakhin, MB Short, AL Bertozzi
Inverse Problems 27 (11), 115013, 2011
Modeling e-mail networks and inferring leadership using self-exciting point processes
EW Fox, MB Short, FP Schoenberg, KD Coronges, AL Bertozzi
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111 (514), 564-584, 2016
Stalactite growth as a free-boundary problem: a geometric law and its platonic ideal
MB Short, JC Baygents, JW Beck, DA Stone, RS Toomey III, RE Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 94 (1), 018501, 2005
Cops on the dots in a mathematical model of urban crime and police response
JR Zipkin, MB Short, AL Bertozzi
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B 19 (5), 1479-1506, 2014
Gang rivalry dynamics via coupled point process networks
MB Short, G Mohler, PJ Brantingham, G Tita
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 19 (5), 1459-1477, 2014
Stalactite growth as a free-boundary problem
MB Short, JC Baygents, RE Goldstein
Physics of fluids 17 (8), 2005
Geographic profiling from kinetic models of criminal behavior
GO Mohler, MB Short
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72 (1), 163-180, 2012
Cooperation and punishment in an adversarial game: How defectors pave the way to a peaceful society
MB Short, PJ Brantingham, MR D’orsogna
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (6 …, 2010
Contagion shocks in one dimension
AL Bertozzi, J Rosado, MB Short, L Wang
Journal of Statistical Physics 158, 647-664, 2015
A free-boundary theory for the shape of the ideal dripping icicle
MB Short, JC Baygents, RE Goldstein
Physics of Fluids 18 (8), 2006
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