Rui Benfica, PhD
Rui Benfica, PhD
Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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Cited by
Smallholder income and land distribution in Africa: implications for poverty reduction strategies
TS Jayne, T Yamano, MT Weber, D Tschirley, R Benfica, A Chapoto, ...
Food policy 28 (3), 253-275, 2003
Market participation by rural households in a low-income country: An asset based approach applied to Mozambique
D Boughton, D Mather, CB Barrett, RS Benfica, D Abdula, D Tschirley, ...
Faith and economics 50, 64-101, 2007
Biofuels, poverty, and growth: a computable general equilibrium analysis of Mozambique
C Arndt, R Benfica, F Tarp, J Thurlow, R Uaiene
Environment and Development Economics 15 (1), 81-105, 2010
Higher fuel and food prices: impacts and responses for Mozambique
C Arndt, R Benfica, N Maximiano, AMD Nucifora, JT Thurlow
Agricultural Economics 39, 497-511, 2008
Africa’s unfolding economic transformation
TS Jayne, J Chamberlin, R Benfica
The Journal of Development Studies 54 (5), 777-787, 2018
Gender implications of biofuels expansion in Africa: the case of Mozambique
C Arndt, R Benfica, J Thurlow
World Development 39 (9), 1649-1662, 2011
Smallholder agriculture, wage labour and rural poverty alleviation in land-abundant areas of Africa: evidence from Mozambique
DL Tschirley, R Benfica
The Journal of Modern African Studies 39 (2), 333-358, 2001
Linking agricultural investments to growth and poverty: An economywide approach applied to Mozambique
R Benfica, B Cunguara, J Thurlow
Agricultural systems 172, 91-100, 2019
Future of food
RF Townsend, S Jaffee, YT Hoberg, A Htenas
World Bank Publications-Books, 2016
Smallholder income and land distribution in Africa: Implications for poverty reduction strategies
TS Jayne, T Yamano, MT Weber, DL Tschirley, R Benfica, D Neven, ...
Rural development report 2016: Fostering inclusive rural transformation
J Anderson, R Benfica, J Berdegué, R Birner, K Brooks, PM Bosc, ...
International Fund for Agricultural Development, 2016
An Analysis of Income Poverty Effects in Cash Cropping Economies in Rural Mozambique: Blending Econometric and Economy-side Models
RMS Benfica
Michigan State University. Department of Agricultural Economies, 2006
The impact of alternative agro-industrial investments on poverty reduction in rural Mozambique
R Benfica, DL Tschirley, L Sambo
Does relative deprivation induce migration? Evidence from Sub‐Saharan Africa
K Kafle, R Benfica, P Winters
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102 (3), 999-1019, 2020
The Narrative on Rural Youth and Economic Opportunities in Africa: Facts, Myths, and Gaps
A Mabiso, R Benfica
IFAD, 2019
Interlinked transactions in cash cropping economies: the determinants of farmer participation and performance in the Zambezi river valley of Mozambique
RS Benfica, D Tschirley, D Boughton
Interlinked Transactions in Cash Cropping Economies: The Determinants of …, 2006
Food (In) security and its drivers: insights from trends and opportunities in rural Mozambique
A Mabiso, B Cunguara, R Benfica
Food Security 6, 649-670, 2014
The economics of smallholder households in tobacco and cotton growing areas of the Zambezi valley of Mozambique
R Benfica, J Zandamela, A Miguel, N de Sousa
Food crop marketing and agricultural productivity in a high price environment: evidence and implications for Mozambique
R Benfica, D Boughton, R Uaiene, B Mouzinho
Food security 9, 1405-1418, 2017
Analysis of the contribution of micro and small enterprises to rural household income in Central and Northern Mozambique
RMS Benfica
Michigan State University, 1998
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Articles 1–20