Rabindra padaria
Rabindra padaria
Principal Scientist, IARI, New Delhi
Потвърден имейл адрес: icar.gov.in
Farmers’ awareness and risk perception about climate change in coastal ecosystem of West Bengal
S Sarkar, RN Padaria
Indian research journal of extension education 10 (2), 32-38, 2010
Attracting and retaining youth in agriculture: challenges and prospects
S Som, RR Burman, JP Sharma, RN Padaria, S Paul, AK Singh
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 13 (3), 385-395, 2018
Soil health card development for efficient soil management in Haryana, India
TJ Purakayastha, H Pathak, S Kumari, S Biswas, B Chakrabarty, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 191, 294-305, 2019
Job satisfaction among hospital staff working in a Government teaching hospital of India
P Jaiswal, AK Gadpayle, AK Singhal, S Sachdeva, RK Modi, R Padaria, ...
Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil University 8 (2), 131-137, 2015
Labour migration in Indo-Gangetic plains: Determinants and impacts on socio-economic welfare
NP Singh, RP Singh, R Kumar, RN Padaria, A Singh, N Varghese
Agricultural Economics Research Review 24, 449-458, 2011
Level of motivation amongst health personnel working in a tertiary care government hospital of New Delhi, India
P Jaiswal, AK Singhal, AK Gadpayle, S Sachdeva, R Padaria
Indian Journal of Community Medicine 39 (4), 235-240, 2014
Assessing the potential of Indigenous Technological Knowledge (ITK) for adaptation to climate change in the Himalayan and arid ecosystems
S Sarkar, RN Padaria, K Vijayragavan, H Pathak, P Kumar, GK Jha
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2015
Socio economic impact of climate resilient technologies
VK Jasna, S Som, RR Burman, RN Padaria, JP Sharma
International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology 5 (3), 185-190, 2014
Zero tillage, residue retention and system-intensification with legumes for enhanced pearl millet productivity and mineral biofortification
MA Faiz, RS Bana, AK Choudhary, AM Laing, R Bansal, A Bhatia, ...
Sustainability 14 (1), 543, 2022
A logit analysis of Bt Cotton adoption and assessment of farmers’ training need
RN Padaria, B Singh, N Sivaramane, YK Naik, R Modi, S Surya
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 9 (2), 39-45, 2016
Measuring farmers’ awareness and knowledge level about climate change and formulating future extension strategies
S Sarkar, RN Padaria
Indian Res J Ext Educ 15 (1), 107-111, 2015
Impact of climate resilient technologies in rainfed agro-ecosystem
VK Jasna, RR Burman, RN Padaria, JP Sharma, E Varghese, ...
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (6), 816-824, 2017
Model villages led rural development: A review of conceptual framework and development indicators
S Bhattacharyya, RR Burman, JP Sharma, RN Padaria, S Paul, AK Singh
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 13 (3), 513-526, 2018
Factors contributing to the stability of the farmer producer organisations: A study in West Bengal
SK Gorai, M Wason, RN Padaria, DUM Rao, RK Paul
Indian Journal of Extension Education 58 (2), 91-96, 2022
Planting period effects on wheat productivity and water footprints: Insights through adaptive trials and APSIM simulations
RS Bana, SD Bamboriya, RN Padaria, RK Dhakar, SL Khaswan, ...
Agronomy 12 (1), 226, 2022
Social Processes and People's Participation in Watershed Development
JP Sharma, P Singh, RN Padaria
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 6 (2), 168-173, 2011
Development and validation of knowledge test on indigenous alder based jhum cultivation and mechanism for knowledge dissemination
P Priyadarshni, RN Padaria, RR Burman, R Singh, S Bandyopadhyay
Indian Journal of Extension Education 57 (1), 1-7, 2021
Constructing a knowledge test to measure the knowledge level of farmers about climate change in arid ecosystem of India
S Sarkar, RN Padaria, K Vijayaragavan, H Pathak, A Bhowmik, P Kumar, ...
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 5 (4), 530-535, 2014
Pluralism in agricultural extension in India: imperatives and implications
VK Sajesh, RN Padaria, VV Sadamate
Economic Affairs 63 (4), 1017-1025, 2018
Farmers’ perception and attitude toward climate change in coastal ecosystem of West Bengal
S Sarkar, R Padaria, K Lal, A Bhatia
Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu 12 (2), 10-14, 2012
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