Nathan F. Bendik
Nathan F. Bendik
City of Austin, Watershed Protection Department
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Cited by
Computer-assisted photo identification outperforms visible implant elastomers in an endangered salamander, Eurycea tonkawae
NF Bendik, TA Morrison, AG Gluesenkamp, MS Sanders, LJ O’Donnell
PloS one 8 (3), e59424, 2013
Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity
BA Reinke, H Cayuela, FJ Janzen, JF Lemaître, JM Gaillard, AM Lawing, ...
Science 376 (6600), 1459-1466, 2022
A non-invasive water-borne assay of stress hormones in aquatic salamanders
CR Gabor, KC Zabierek, DS Kim, LA da Barbiano, MJ Mondelli, ...
Copeia 104 (1), 172-181, 2016
Biogeography, phylogeny, and morphological evolution of central Texas cave and spring salamanders
NF Bendik, JM Meik, AG Gluesenkamp, CE Roelke, PT Chippindale
BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 1-18, 2013
Body length shrinkage in an endangered amphibian is associated with drought
NF Bendik, AG Gluesenkamp
Journal of Zoology 290 (1), 35-41, 2013
Urbanization is associated with elevated corticosterone in Jollyville Plateau salamanders
CR Gabor, DR Davis, DS Kim, KC Zabierek, NF Bendik
Ecological Indicators 85, 229-235, 2018
Effect of urbanization on abundance of Jollyville Plateau salamanders (Eurycea tonkawae)
NF Bendik, BN Sissel, JR Fields, LJ O’Donnell, MS Sanders
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9 (1), 206-222, 2014
Demographics, reproduction, growth, and abundance of Jollyville Plateau salamanders (Eurycea tonkawae)
NF Bendik
Ecology and Evolution 7 (13), 5002-5015, 2017
Stream and spring water evolution in a rapidly urbanizing watershed, Austin, TX
L Beal, J Senison, J Banner, ML Musgrove, L Yazbek, N Bendik, ...
Water Resources Research 56 (4), e2019WR025623, 2020
Density‐dependent and density‐independent drivers of population change in Barton Springs salamanders
NF Bendik, LA Dries
Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 5912-5923, 2018
New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers in west-central Texas, USA: Subterranean Biology, v. 28
BD Nissen, TJ Devitt, NF Bendik, AG Gluesenkamp, R Gibson
Movement, demographics, and occupancy dynamics of a federally-threatened salamander: evaluating the adequacy of critical habitat
NF Bendik, KD McEntire, BN Sissel
PeerJ 4, e1817, 2016
Population genetics, systematics, biogeography, and evolution of the southeastern central Texas Eurycea clade Blepsimolge (Plethodontidae)
NF Bendik
The University of Texas at Arlington, 2006
Eurycea sosorum (Barton Springs salamander). Predation and diet
JD Owen, TJ Devitt, LA Colucci, NF Bendik
Herpetological Review 47, 275, 2016
Effects of Season, Gravidity, and Streamflow on Body Condition from Tail Width in Two Federally Listed Salamanders, Eurycea sosorum and E. tonkawae
BD Nissen, NF Bendik
Herpetologica 76 (4), 375-382, 2020
Subterranean movement inferred by temporary emigration in Barton Springs salamanders (Eurycea sosorum)
NF Bendik, DA Chamberlain, TJ Devitt, SE Donelson, B Nissen, JD Owen, ...
PeerJ 9, e11246, 2021
Geochemical indicators of municipal water influx into streamwater in the Bull Creek watershed, Austin, TX
J Senison, JL Banner, D Reyes, N Bendik
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstract 45 (7), 667, 2013
New occurrence records for Eurycea tonkawae Chippindale, Price, Wiens & Hillis, 2000 (Caudata, Plethodontidae) from an urbanized watershed in Travis County, Texas, USA
ZC Adcock, AR MacLaren, NF Bendik, RM Jones, A Llewellyn, K Sparks, ...
Check List 16 (4), 1017-1023, 2020
Phenotypic Variation in Endangered Texas Salamanders: Application of Model-Based Clustering for Identifying Species and Hybrids
DM Strom, NF Bendik, DA Chamberlain, JA Watson, JM Meik
Diversity 12 (8), 297, 2020
Corrigenda: New occurrence records for stygobiontic invertebrates from the Edwards and Trinity aquifers in west-central Texas, USA. Subterranean Biology 28: 1–13. https://doi …
BD Nissen, TJ Devitt, NF Bendik, AG Gluesenkamp, R Gibson
Subterranean Biology 31, 49-51, 2019
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Articles 1–20