Matthew C. Nowlin
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Cited by
Theories of the policy process: State of the research and emerging trends
MC Nowlin
Policy studies journal 39, 41-60, 2011
Weather, climate, and worldviews: The sources and consequences of public perceptions of changes in local weather patterns
K Goebbert, HC Jenkins-Smith, K Klockow, MC Nowlin, CL Silva
Weather, Climate, and Society 4 (2), 132-144, 2012
Reversing nuclear opposition: Evolving public acceptance of a permanent nuclear waste disposal facility
HC Jenkins‐Smith, CL Silva, MC Nowlin, G DeLozier
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 31 (4), 629-644, 2011
Reconsidering the relationship between cultural theory, political ideology, and political knowledge
JT Ripberger, G Song, MC Nowlin, MD Jones, HC Jenkins‐Smith
Social Science Quarterly 93 (3), 713-731, 2012
Modeling issue definitions using quantitative text analysis
MC Nowlin
Policy Studies Journal 44 (3), 309-331, 2016
Revenue use and public support for a carbon tax
MC Nowlin, K Gupta, JT Ripberger
Environmental Research Letters 15 (8), 084032, 2020
Tracking the nuclear ‘mood’in the United States: Introducing a long term measure of public opinion about nuclear energy using aggregate survey data
K Gupta, MC Nowlin, JT Ripberger, HC Jenkins-Smith, CL Silva
Energy Policy 133, 110888, 2019
Quantitative research methods for political science, public policy and public administration (with applications in R)
HC Jenkins-Smith, JT Ripberger, G Copeland, MC Nowlin, T Hughes, ...
Cultural theory and managerial values: Examining trust as a motivation for collaboration
TW Conner, MC Nowlin, T Rabovsky, JT Ripberger
Public Administration 94 (4), 915-932, 2016
Policy learning and information processing
MC Nowlin
Policy Studies Journal 49 (4), 1019-1039, 2021
Policy change, policy feedback, and interest mobilization: The politics of nuclear waste management
MC Nowlin
Review of Policy Research 33 (1), 51-70, 2016
Public attribution of responsibility for disaster preparedness across three levels of government and the public: Lessons from a survey of residents of the US South Atlantic and …
W Wehde, MC Nowlin
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 51 (2), 212-237, 2021
Climate science or politics? Disentangling the roles of citizen beliefs and support for energy in the United States
R Hawes, MC Nowlin
Energy Research & Social Science 85, 102419, 2022
A cultural theory of partisanship and policy attitudes
MC Nowlin, TM Rabovsky
Social Science Quarterly 101 (2), 878-892, 2020
Reevaluating NIMBY: Evolving public fear and acceptance in siting a nuclear waste facility
HC Jenkins-Smith, CL Silva, MC Nowlin, G DeLozier
annual meeting for the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL …, 2009
Social capital and hurricane warning response
MC Nowlin, W Wehde
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 65, 102536, 2021
Policy beliefs, belief uncertainty, and policy learning through the lens of the Advocacy Coalition Framework
MC Nowlin
Policy & Politics, 1-21, 2024
Environmental policymaking in an era of climate change
M Nowlin
Routledge, 2019
Who should “do more” about climate change? Cultural theory, polycentricity, and public support for climate change actions across actors and governments
MC Nowlin
Review of Policy Research 39 (4), 468-485, 2022
Political beliefs, views about technocracy, and energy and climate policy preferences
MC Nowlin
Public Understanding of Science 30 (3), 331-348, 2021
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Articles 1–20