Ali Aghajani Bazazi
Ali Aghajani Bazazi
HME Brass Germany GmbH, Germany
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Cited by
On the effect of long-term creep on the microstructure of a 12% chromium tempered martensite ferritic steel
A Aghajani, C Somsen, G Eggeler
Acta Materialia 57 (17), 5093-5106, 2009
On the formation and growth of Mo-rich Laves phase particles during long-term creep of a 12% chromium tempered martensite ferritic steel
A Aghajani, F Richter, C Somsen, SG Fries, I Steinbach, G Eggeler
Scripta Materialia 61 (11), 1068-1071, 2009
How dislocation substructures evolve during long-term creep of a 12% Cr tempered martensitic ferritic steel
J Pešička, A Aghajani, C Somsen, A Hartmaier, G Eggeler
Scripta Materialia 62 (6), 353-356, 2010
R-phase formation in Ti39Ni45Cu16 shape memory thin films and bulk alloys discovered by combinatorial methods
R Zarnetta, D König, C Zamponi, A Aghajani, J Frenzel, G Eggeler, ...
Acta Materialia 57 (14), 4169-4177, 2009
On the nature of internal interfaces in a tempered martensite ferritic steel and their evolution during long-term creep
EJ Payton, A Aghajani, F Otto, G Eggeler, VA Yardley
Scripta Materialia 66 (12), 1045-1048, 2012
Microstructural evolution in T24, a modified 2 (1/4) Cr–1Mo steel during creep after different heat treatments
A Aghajani, C Somsen, J Pesicka, W Bendick, B Hahn, G Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 510, 130-135, 2009
Identification of Mo-Rich M23C6 Carbides in Alloy 718
A Aghajani, J Tewes, AB Parsa, T Hoffmann, A Kostka, J Kloewer
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 4382-4392, 2016
Local laser heat treatment in dual-phase steels
M Asadi, G Frommeyer, A Aghajani, I Timokhina, H Palkowski
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 1244-1258, 2012
Subsurface characterization of high-strength high-interstitial austenitic steels after impact wear
LM Roncery, LA Jácome, A Aghajani, W Theisen, S Weber
Wear 402, 137-147, 2018
Evolution of Microstructure during Long‐term Creep of a Tempered Martensite Ferritic Steel
AA Bazazi
Cuvillier Verlag, 2009
Evolution of microstructure during long-term creep of a tempered martensite ferritic steel
A Aghajani
Ruhr-University Bochum Bochum, 2009
Influence of Delta-phase Precipitation on the Pitting Performance of UNS (N07718)
O Golenishcheva, M Oechsner, A Aghajani, G Andersohn, J Kloewer
NACE CORROSION, NACE-2014-3895, 2014
Studies of luminescence property of long afterglow Eu2+, Dy3+ activated Sr2MgSi2O7 phosphor
AR Mirhabibi, F Moztarzadeh, A Aghajani Bazazi, M Solati, ...
Pigment & resin technology 33 (4), 220-225, 2004
Impact of microstructure on hydrogen solubility and diffusivity in UNS 07718
O Gosheva, G Andersohn, M Oechsner, J Kloewer, A Aghajani
NACE CORROSION, NACE-2016-7267, 2016
Influence of boric acid on properties of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ phosphors
A Maghsoudipour, M Hassan Sarrafi, F Moztarzadeh, A Aghajani Bazazi
Pigment & Resin Technology 39 (1), 32-35, 2010
Effects of Predefined Thermomechanical Procedure on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Two‐Way Shape Memory Effect in the NiTi Alloy
A Tahaei, A Aghajani, M Abbasi, B Bagheri, M Merlin, GL Garagnani
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2023 (1), 1524836, 2023
Controlling Precipitation of Alloy 718 with Different Nb Content and Relevant Effect on Mechanical Behaviour
O Tassa, L Alleva, A Gotti, J Kloewer, A Aghajani
8th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives, 849-861, 2014
Research Article Effects of Predefined Thermomechanical Procedure on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Two-Way Shape Memory Effect in the NiTi Alloy
A Tahaei, A Aghajani, M Abbasi, B Bagheri, M Merlin, GL Garagnani
Method for producing semi-finished products from a nickel-based alloy
J Kloewer, A Aghajani
US Patent 11,441,217, 2022
M Asadi, G Frommeyer, A Aghajani, I Timokhina, H Palkowski
热处理技术与装备, 2012
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Articles 1–20