Ralf Reussner
Ralf Reussner
Professor for Software Engineering at KIT
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The Palladio component model for model-driven performance prediction
S Becker, H Koziolek, R Reussner
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (1), 3-22, 2009
Elasticity in cloud computing: What it is, and what it is not
NR Herbst, S Kounev, R Reussner
10th international conference on autonomic computing (ICAC 13), 23-27, 2013
Reliability prediction for component-based software architectures
RH Reussner, HW Schmidt, IH Poernomo
Journal of systems and software 66 (3), 241-252, 2003
Model-based performance prediction with the palladio component model
S Becker, H Koziolek, R Reussner
Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Software and performance, 54-65, 2007
Modeling and simulating software architectures: The Palladio approach
RH Reussner, S Becker, J Happe, R Heinrich, A Koziolek
MIT Press, 2016
Automatically improve software architecture models for performance, reliability, and cost using evolutionary algorithms
A Martens, H Koziolek, S Becker, R Reussner
Proceedings of the first joint WOSP/SIPEW international conference on …, 2010
Toward trustworthy software systems
W Hasselbring, R Reussner
Computer 39 (4), 91-92, 2006
Architecture-based reliability prediction with the palladio component model
F Brosch, H Koziolek, B Buhnova, R Reussner
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 38 (6), 1319-1339, 2011
The palladio component model
R Reussner, S Becker, E Burger, J Happe, M Hauck, A Koziolek, ...
KIT, Fakultät für Informatik, 2011
PerOpteryx: automated application of tactics in multi-objective software architecture optimization
A Koziolek, H Koziolek, R Reussner
Proceedings of the joint ACM SIGSOFT conference--QoSA and ACM SIGSOFT …, 2011
The common component modeling example
A Rausch, RH Reussner, R Mirandola, F Plasil
Springer, 2008
SKaMPI: A detailed, accurate MPI benchmark
R Reussner, P Sanders, L Prechelt, M Müller
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface …, 1998
CoCoME-the common component modeling example
S Herold, H Klus, Y Welsch, C Deiters, A Rausch, R Reussner, ...
The Common Component Modeling Example: Comparing Software Component Models …, 2008
Generating adapters for concurrent component protocol synchronisation
HW Schmidt, RH Reussner
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems V: IFIP TC6/WG6. 1 …, 2002
A model transformation from the palladio component model to layered queueing networks
H Koziolek, R Reussner
SPEC International Performance Evaluation Workshop, 58-78, 2008
Using genetic search for reverse engineering of parametric behavior models for performance prediction
K Krogmann, M Kuperberg, R Reussner
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 36 (6), 865-877, 2010
Handbuch der Software-Architektur
W Hasselbring
dpunkt. verlag, 2006
Towards self-aware performance and resource management in modern service-oriented systems
S Kounev, F Brosig, N Huber, R Reussner
2010 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 621-624, 2010
SKaMPI: A comprehensive benchmark for public benchmarking of MPI
R Reussner, P Sanders, JL Träff
Scientific Programming 10 (1), 55-65, 2002
Reasoning about software architectures with contractually specified components
RH Reussner, IH Poernomo, HW Schmidt
Component-Based Software Quality: Methods and Techniques, 287-325, 2003
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Articles 1–20