Maryam Merrikhpour
Maryam Merrikhpour
Ph.D. Student, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Designing feedback to mitigate teen distracted driving: A social norms approach
M Merrikhpour, B Donmez
Accident Analysis & Prevention 104, 185-194, 2017
A field operational trial evaluating a feedback–reward system on speeding and tailgating behaviors
M Merrikhpour, B Donmez, V Battista
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 27, 56-68, 2014
Mitigating teen driver distraction: In-vehicle feedback based on peer social norms
B Donmez, M Merrikhpour, MH Nooshabadi
Human factors 63 (3), 503-518, 2021
Effects of a feedback/reward system on speed compliance rates and the degree of speeding during noncompliance
M Merrikhpour, B Donmez, V Battista
Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting 12, 4608, 2012
Associations between drivers’ safety records and driving styles: A naturalistic study
M Merrikhpour, B Donmez, C Wang, B Hayes, B Grush
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
Effects of a Feedback–Reward System on Headway Time
M Merrikhpour, B Donmez, V Battista
Proc. 22nd Can. Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conf, 10-13, 2012
Effects of a Feedback-Reward System on Speeding and Tailgating Behaviours
M Merrikhpour
University of Toronto (Canada), 2013
Utilizing the social norms theory for mitigating teen driver distraction
M Merrikhpour
University of Toronto (Canada), 2017
Teen driver distractions and parental norms
M Hoseinzadeh Nooshabadi, H Vasquez, M Merrikhpour, B Donmez
Transportation research record 2676 (10), 622-632, 2022
Towards Mitigating Teenagers’ Distracted Driving Behaviors: Comparison of Real-Time and Post-Drive Feedback in a Simulator Study
M Merrikhpour, B Donmez
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
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Articles 1–10