Dr. Ryan B. Ickert
Dr. Ryan B. Ickert
Purdue University, Dept of EAPS
Потвърден имейл адрес: PURDUE.EDU
Determining high precision, in situ, oxygen isotope ratios with a SHRIMP II: Analyses of MPI-DING silicate-glass reference materials and zircon from contrasting granites
RB Ickert, J Hiess, IS Williams, P Holden, TR Ireland, P Lanc, N Schram, ...
Chemical Geology 257 (1-2), 114-128, 2008
Eocene adakitic volcanism in southern British Columbia: remelting of arc basalt above a slab window
RB Ickert, DJ Thorkelson, DD Marshall, TD Ullrich
Tectonophysics 464 (1-4), 164-185, 2009
Algorithms for estimating uncertainties in initial radiogenic isotope ratios and model ages
RB Ickert
Chemical Geology 340, 131-138, 2013
Diamond from recycled crustal carbon documented by coupled δ18O–δ13C measurements of diamonds and theirinclusions
RB Ickert, T Stachel, RA Stern, JW Harris
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 364, 85-97, 2013
Origin of eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths from the Victor kimberlite, Canada, and implications for Superior craton formation
KV Smit, T Stachel, RA Creaser, RB Ickert, SA DuFrane, RA Stern, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 125, 308-337, 2014
Matrix Corrections and Error Analysis in High‐Precision SIMS 18O/16O Measurements of Ca–Mg–Fe Garnet
RB Ickert, RA Stern
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 37 (4), 429-448, 2013
Eclogite formation beneath the northern Slave craton constrained by diamond inclusions: Oceanic lithosphere origin without a crustal signature
KA Smart, T Chacko, T Stachel, S Tappe, RA Stern, RB Ickert
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 319, 165-177, 2012
Ti in zircon from the Boggy Plain zoned pluton: implications for zircon petrology and Hadean tectonics
RB Ickert, IS Williams, D Wyborn
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 447-461, 2011
Extreme 18O-enrichment in majorite constrains a crustal origin of transition zone diamonds
RB Ickert, T Stachel, RA Stern, JW Harris
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 1 (1), 65-74, 2015
U–Pb zircon geochronology of Silurian–Devonian granites in southeastern Australia: implications for the timing of the Benambran Orogeny and the I–S dichotomy
RB Ickert, IS Williams
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 58 (5), 501-516, 2011
IUPAC-IUGS recommendation on the half-lives of 147Sm and 146Sm
IM Villa, NE Holden, A Possolo, RB Ickert, DB Hibbert, PR Renne
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 285, 70-77, 2020
The alkaline lamprophyres of the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps, Italy): markers of the Late Triassic change from orogenic-like to anorogenic magmatism
F Casetta, RB Ickert, DF Mark, C Bonadiman, PP Giacomoni, T Ntaflos, ...
Journal of Petrology 60 (6), 1263-1298, 2019
In situ oxygen-isotope, major-, and trace-element constraints on the metasomatic modification and crustal origin of a diamondiferous eclogite from Roberts Victor, Kaapvaal Craton
AJV Riches, RB Ickert, DG Pearson, RA Stern, SE Jackson, A Ishikawa, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 174, 345-359, 2016
The U–Th–Pb systematics of zircon from the Bishop Tuff: A case study in challenges to high-precision Pb/U geochronology at the millennial scale
RB Ickert, R Mundil, CW Magee Jr, SR Mulcahy
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 168, 88-110, 2015
Intrusion of shoshonitic magmas at shallow crustal depth: TP path, H2O estimates, and AFC modeling of the Middle Triassic Predazzo Intrusive Complex …
F Casetta, M Coltorti, RB Ickert, C Bonadiman, PP Giacomoni, T Ntaflos
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 1-27, 2018
Chalcophile element geochemistry of the Boggy Plain zoned pluton, southeastern Australia: a S-saturated barren compositionally diverse magmatic system
JW Park, IH Campbell, RB Ickert, CM Allen
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 165, 217-236, 2013
An oxygen isotope test for the origin of Archean mantle roots
M Regier, A Miškovic, RB Ickert, DG Pearson, T Stachel, RA Stern, ...
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 9, 6-10, 2018
Petrogenesis of granitoids from the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia: the role of disequilibrium melting
KA Iles, JM Hergt, JD Woodhead, RB Ickert, IS Williams
Gondwana Research 79, 87-109, 2020
The Variscan subduction inheritance in the southern Alps sub-continental lithospheric mantle: clues from the middle Triassic shoshonitic magmatism of the Dolomites (NE Italy)
F Casetta, RB Ickert, DF Mark, PP Giacomoni, C Bonadiman, T Ntaflos, ...
Lithos 380, 105856, 2021
Chemical and Pb isotope composition of phenocrysts from bentonites constrains the chronostratigraphy around the C retaceous‐P aleogene boundary in the H ell C reek region, M ontana
RB Ickert, SR Mulcahy, CJ Sprain, JF Banaszak, PR Renne
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (8), 2743-2761, 2015
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