Evgeniya Angelova
Evgeniya Angelova
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Methods for the simultaneous approximate derivation of the roots of algebraic, trigonometric and exponential equations
ED Angelova, KI Semerdzhiev
USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 22 (1), 226-232, 1982
A study on a hyper–power–logistic model. Some applications
E Angelova, A Golev, T Terzieva, O Rahneva
Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations 27 (1), 45-57, 2019
Investigations on a differential system with correction of Zernike–type radial polynomials. Simulations
E Angelova, V Arnaudova, T Terzieva, A Malinova
International Scientific Conference IMEA, 23-25, 2022
Boosting Teaching and Learning Efficiency in Training Teachers of Information Technology
E Angelova, A Rahnev
Scientific Works, Plovdiv University 36, 5-18, 2009
Методически подходи за обучение чрез използване на електронни учебни ресурси
И Старибратов, Е Ангелова
Образованието в информационното общество, 2011
Legendre polynomials as” correction factors” in the Lienard differential system. Simulations
A Malinova, T Terzieva, O Rahneva, E Angelova
Communications in Applied Analysis 26, 0
Linear fractional system of incommensurate type with distributed delay and bounded Lebesgue measurable initial conditions
A Zahariev, H Kiskinov, E Angelova
Dyn. Syst. Appl 28, 491-506, 2019
Associated Legendre polynomials as corrections in the classical Lienard system
A Malinova, T Terzieva, O Rahneva, E Angelova, A Golev
Communications in Applied Analysis 26, 89-97, 2022
Smoothness of the fundamental matrix of linear fractional system with variable delays
A Zahariev, H Kiskinov, E Angelova
Neural Parall. Sci. Comput 27, 71-83, 2019
Адаптивни системи за електронно обучение
А Рахнев, Т Терзиева, Е Ангелова, В Арнаудова
Образование и наука – за личностно и обществено развитие, 2017
Methodological approaches to learning through the use of electronic learning resources
IA Staribratov, E Angelova
National Conference" Education in the Information Society". Plovdiv …, 2011
Training Teachers of Mathematics in the use of Modern Information Technologies for Teaching
A Rahnev, E Angelova
Proc. of the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education, Plovdiv …, 2009
Hausdorff approximation of the Heaviside step function by Unit Gompertz and Complementary Unit Gompertz cumulative functions
O Rahneva, A Malinova, E Angelova, V Kyurkchiev
Communications in Applied Analysis 24 (1), 75-87, 2020
Geographic map visualization in DisPeL
N Pavlov, A Rahnev, V Kyurkchiev, A Malinova, E Angelova
Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Innovative ICT in Business and …, 2016
Адаптивно обучение и оценяване по Компютърно счетоводство чрез електронната платформа DisPeL
В Арнаудова, Е Тодорова, Е Ангелова, А Рахнев
Иновационни ИКТ в бизнеса и обучението: тенденции, приложения и разработване …, 2016
On a virtual learning environment
E Angelova, I Staribratov
Research and Education in Mathematics, Informatics and Their Applications …, 2010
A note on the Unit–Rayleigh “adaptive function”
M Vasileva, A Malinova, O Rahneva, E Angelova
AIP Conference Proceedings 2459 (1), 2022
New Properties of the Odd Weibull Inverse Topp-Leone Cumulative Distribution Function
M Vasileva, A Malinova, O Rahneva, E Angelova
International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 20, 263-272, 2021
A note on the new Kumaraswamy alpha power inverted exponential family of CDF
E Angelova, V Arnaudova, T Terzieva, A Malinova
Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations 28 (1), 59-67, 2020
Investigations on a logistic model with weighted exponential Gompertz type correction. Some applications
E Angelova, A Malinova, V Kyurkchiev, O Rahneva
Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations 27, 105-114, 0
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Articles 1–20