Todorka Kostadinova
Todorka Kostadinova
Medical University of Varna
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Bulgaria health system review.
A Dimova, M Rohova, E Moutafova, E Atanasova, S Koeva, D Panteli, ...
Health systems in transition 14 (3), 1-186, 2012
Bulgaria: health system review.
A Dimova, M Rohova, S Koeva, E Atanasova, L Koeva-Dimitrova, ...
Health Systems in transition 20 (4), 1-230, 2018
Researching health-related quality of life at a community level: results from a population survey conducted in Burgas, Bulgaria
D Vankova, A Kerekovska, T Kostadinova, L Todorova
Health promotion international 31 (3), 534-541, 2015
Nutrition transition in Europe: east-west dimensions in the last 30 years—a narrative review
KG Dokova, RZ Pancheva, NV Usheva, GA Haralanova, SP Nikolova, ...
Frontiers in nutrition 9, 919112, 2022
Mapping the global evidence on nutrition transition: A scoping review protocol
JE Singh, AK Illner, K Dokova, N Usheva, T Kostadinova, K Aleksandrova
BMJ open 10 (6), e034730, 2020
Patient payments and the problems in medical services provision in Bulgaria
E Atanasova, E Moutafovа, T Kostadinova, M Pavlova
Public Health and Governance 2010 (1), 48-53, 2010
Методика на академичното преподаване във висшето медицинско училище
М Грудева, В Гюрова, Т Костадинова
МУ-Варна, 2016
Financing health care: What can we learn from CEE experience
J Nemec, SS Cankar, T Kostadinova, I Malý, Z Darmopilova
Administrative Culture 14 (2), 212-237, 2013
Маркетингови подходи в управление на болницата
Т Костадинова
Здравна икономика & Мениджмънт 1 (2), 3-12, 2001
Управление на промяната в здравеопазването в новите икономически условия
Т Костадинова
Варна: ИК Стено, 2011
Intentions for mobility of the next health workforce generation (comparative study among Bulgarian and German students in the Medical university of Varna)
V Asenikova, E Ignatova, P Sarkizova, DD Westerdorf, SA Eger, ...
Scripta Scientifica Salutis Publicae 3 (1), 19-22, 2017
Patient charges for health services: the opinions of healthcare stakeholders in Bulgaria
E Atanasova, M Pavlova, E Moutafovа, T Kostadinova, W Groot
The International journal of health planning and management 30 (3), 232-245, 2015
Impact of the organisation strategy on project management
D Angelova, G Petrova, S Angelova, T Kostadinova
The 4th Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference, 90-93, 2015
Patient payments and the empirical analysis of consumer demand for hospital services: An application for Bulgaria
E Atanasova, M Pavlova, E Moutafova, T Kostadinova, W Groot
Society and Economy 34 (2), 313-338, 2012
A Spranger, A Dimova, M Rohova, S Koeva, E Atanasova, ...
Eurohealth 24 (4), 2018
Possible benefits for the health system of the implementation of integrated care
GR Petrova, TI Kostadinova, EP Georgieva
Journal of IMAB–Annual Proceeding Scientific Papers 21 (3), 833-836, 2015
Health reforms in Bulgaria
T Kostadinova, G Manliev, M Vladimirovna, N Feschieva
Health Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe. Options, Obstacles, Limited …, 2013
Hepatitis C virus infection in patients from the haemodialysis clinic of a medical university, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
M Atanasova, V Kardjeva, M Kicheva, M Draganov, T Stoyanov, ...
18th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases …, 2008
Маркетинг в здравеопазването
Т Костадинова, М Рохова
МУ-Варна, 2016
Role of multidisciplinary teams for integrated care in the surgical treatment of osteoarthritis
GR Petrova, G Nenova, K Mihov, S Dobrilov, TI Kostadinova
Journal of IMAB–Annual Proceeding Scientific Papers 21 (3), 843-845, 2015
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Articles 1–20