Kentaro Arikawa
Kentaro Arikawa
Professor of Biology, SOKENDAI-Hayama
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Light on the moth-eye corneal nipple array of butterflies
DG Stavenga, S Foletti, G Palasantzas, K Arikawa
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1587), 661-667, 2006
Localization of peripherin/rds in the disk membranes of cone and rod photoreceptors: relationship to disk membrane morphogenesis and retinal degeneration.
K Arikawa, LL Molday, RS Molday, DS Williams
The Journal of cell biology 116 (3), 659-667, 1992
Evolution of insect color vision: from spectral sensitivity to visual ecology
CJ Van Der Kooi, DG Stavenga, K Arikawa, G Belušič, A Kelber
Annual review of entomology 66 (1), 435-461, 2021
Tetrachromacy in a butterfly that has eight varieties of spectral receptors
H Koshitaka, M Kinoshita, M Vorobyev, K Arikawa
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1637), 947-954, 2008
Butterfly wing colours: scale beads make white pierid wings brighter
DG Stavenga, S Stowe, K Siebke, J Zeil, K Arikawa
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Extraordinary diversity of visual opsin genes in dragonflies
R Futahashi, R Kawahara-Miki, M Kinoshita, K Yoshitake, S Yajima, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), E1247-E1256, 2015
Colour vision of the foraging swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus
M Kinoshita, N Shimada, K Arikawa
Journal of Experimental Biology 202 (2), 95-102, 1999
Spectral organization of the eye of a butterfly, Papilio
K Arikawa
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 189, 791-800, 2003
Pentachromatic visual system in a butterfly
K Arikawa, K Inokuma, E Eguchi
Naturwissenschaften 74, 297-298, 1987
Depth perception from image defocus in a jumping spider
T Nagata, M Koyanagi, H Tsukamoto, S Saeki, K Isono, Y Shichida, ...
Science 335 (6067), 469-471, 2012
Sexual dimorphism of short-wavelength photoreceptors in the small white butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora
K Arikawa, M Wakakuwa, X Qiu, M Kurasawa, DG Stavenga
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (25), 5935-5942, 2005
Spectral heterogeneity of honeybee ommatidia
M Wakakuwa, M Kurasawa, M Giurfa, K Arikawa
Naturwissenschaften 92, 464-467, 2005
Evolution of color and vision of butterflies
DG Stavenga, K Arikawa
Arthropod structure & development 35 (4), 307-318, 2006
Identification of actin filaments in the rhabdomeral microvilli of Drosophila photoreceptors.
K Arikawa, JL Hicks, DS Williams
The Journal of cell biology 110 (6), 1993-1998, 1990
Molecular logic behind the three-way stochastic choices that expand butterfly colour vision
M Perry, M Kinoshita, G Saldi, L Huo, K Arikawa, C Desplan
Nature 535 (7611), 280-284, 2016
Two visual pigments in a single photoreceptor cell: identification and histological localization of three mRNAs encoding visual pigment opsins in the retina of the butterfly …
J Kitamoto, K Sakamoto, K Ozaki, Y Mishina, K Arikawa
Journal of Experimental Biology 201 (9), 1255-1261, 1998
Associative visual learning, color discrimination, and chromatic adaptation in the harnessed honeybee Apis mellifera L.
S Hori, H Takeuchi, K Arikawa, M Kinoshita, N Ichikawa, M Sasaki, T Kubo
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 192, 691-700, 2006
Polarisation-dependent colour vision in Papilio butterflies
A Kelber, C Thunell, K Arikawa
Journal of Experimental Biology 204 (14), 2469-2480, 2001
Coexpression of two visual pigments in a photoreceptor causes an abnormally broad spectral sensitivity in the eye of the butterfly Papilio xuthus
K Arikawa, S Mizuno, M Kinoshita, DG Stavenga
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (11), 4527-4532, 2003
Random array of colour filters in the eyes of butterflies
K Arikawa, DG Stavenga
Journal of Experimental Biology 200 (19), 2501-2506, 1997
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Articles 1–20