Alex Borges Vieira
Alex Borges Vieira
Professor, Computer Science Department, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
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Visible light communication: concepts, applications and challenges
LEM Matheus, AB Vieira, LFM Vieira, MAM Vieira, O Gnawali
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (4), 3204-3237, 2019
Analyzing client interactivity in streaming media
CP Costa, IS Cunha, A Borges, CV Ramos, MM Rocha, JM Almeida, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, 534-543, 2004
A survey on embedding dynamic graphs
CDT Barros, MRF Mendonça, AB Vieira, A Ziviani
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 55 (1), 1-37, 2021
Learning blockchain delays: A queueing theory approach
S Ricci, E Ferreira, DS Menasche, A Ziviani, JE Souza, AB Vieira
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 46 (3), 122-125, 2019
An analysis of the fees and pending time correlation in Ethereum
JE de Azevedo Sousa, V Oliveira, J Valadares, G Dias Goncalves, ...
International Journal of Network Management 31 (3), e2113, 2021
Medium access control protocols for power line communication: A survey
RM de Oliveira, AB Vieira, HA Latchman, MV Ribeiro
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (1), 920-939, 2018
Time centrality in dynamic complex networks
EC Costa, AB Vieira, K Wehmuth, A Ziviani, APC Da Silva
Advances in Complex Systems 18 (07n08), 1550023, 2015
Characterizing client usage patterns and service demand for car-sharing systems
VA Alencar, F Rooke, M Cocca, L Vassio, J Almeida, AB Vieira
Information Systems 98, 101448, 2021
Characterizing sopcast client behavior
A Borges, P Gomes, J Nacif, R Mantini, JM Almeida, S Campos
Computer Communications 35 (8), 1004-1016, 2012
Modeling the dropbox client behavior
G Gonçalves, I Drago, APC Da Silva, AB Vieira, JM Almeida
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1332-1337, 2014
Fighting pollution in p2p live streaming systems
A Borges, J Almeida, S Campos
2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 481-484, 2008
A survey on data analysis on large-Scale wireless networks: online stream processing, trends, and challenges
DSV Medeiros, HN Cunha Neto, MA Lopez, LC S. Magalhães, ...
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 11, 1-48, 2020
Sdccn: A novel software defined content-centric networking approach
S Charpinel, CAS Santos, AB Vieira, R Villaca, M Martinello
2016 IEEE 30Th international conference on advanced information networking …, 2016
Efficient power management in real-time embedded systems
A Zuquim, LFM Vieira, MA Vieira, AB Vieira, HS Carvalho, JA Nacif, ...
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2003. Proceedings. ETFA'03 …, 2003
Performance evaluation of in-home broadband PLC systems using a cooperative MAC protocol
RM Oliveira, MSP Facina, MV Ribeiro, AB Vieira
Computer Networks 95, 62-76, 2016
Can peer-to-peer live streaming systems coexist with free riders?
JFA e Oliveira, Í Cunha, EC Miguel, MVM Rocha, AB Vieira, SVA Campos
IEEE P2P 2013 Proceedings, 1-5, 2013
A survey on federated learning for security and privacy in healthcare applications
KK Coelho, M Nogueira, AB Vieira, EF Silva, JAM Nacif
Computer Communications 207, 113-127, 2023
OpenFlow data planes performance evaluation
LC Costa, AB Vieira, EB e Silva, DF Macedo, LFM Vieira, MAM Vieira, ...
Performance Evaluation 147, 102194, 2021
Workload models and performance evaluation of cloud storage services
GD Gonçalves, I Drago, AB Vieira, APC da Silva, JM Almeida, M Mellia
Computer Networks 109, 183-199, 2016
Sopcast p2p live streaming: Live session traces and analysis
AB Vieira, APC da Silva, F Henrique, G Goncalves, P de Carvalho Gomes
Proceedings of the 4th ACM multimedia systems conference, 125-130, 2013
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