George van Voorn
George van Voorn
Потвърден имейл адрес: wur.nl
Which sensitivity analysis method should I use for my agent-based model?
G Ten Broeke, G Van Voorn, A Ligtenberg
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 19 (1), 5, 2016
AdViSHE: a validation-assessment tool of health-economic models for decision makers and model users
P Vemer, I Corro Ramos, GAK Van Voorn, MJ Al, TL Feenstra
Pharmacoeconomics 34, 349-361, 2016
Heteroclinic orbits indicate overexploitation in predator–prey systems with a strong Allee effect
GAK Van Voorn, L Hemerik, MP Boer, BW Kooi
Mathematical biosciences 209 (2), 451-469, 2007
Stabilization and complex dynamics in a predator–prey model with predator suffering from an infectious disease
BW Kooi, GAK van Voorn, K pada Das
Ecological Complexity 8 (1), 113-122, 2011
Agent-based modelling of socio-ecological systems: Models, projects and ontologies
NM Gotts, GAK van Voorn, JG Polhill, E de Jong, B Edmonds, ...
Ecological Complexity 40, 100728, 2019
A checklist for model credibility, salience, and legitimacy to improve information transfer in environmental policy assessments
GAK van Voorn, RW Verburg, EM Kunseler, J Vader, PHM Janssen
Environmental Modelling & Software 83, 224-236, 2016
Continuation of connecting orbits in 3D-ODEs (I): Point-to-cycle connections
EJ Doedel, BW Kooi, GAK Van Voorn, YA Kuznetsov
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 18 (07), 1889-1903, 2008
Spatial early warning signals for impending regime shifts: A practical framework for application in real‐world landscapes
JJ Nijp, AJAM Temme, GAK van Voorn, L Kooistra, GM Hengeveld, ...
Global change biology 25 (6), 1905-1921, 2019
Continuation of connecting orbits in 3D-ODEs (II): Cycle-to-cycle connections
EJ Doedel, BW Kooi, GAK Van Voorn, YA Kuznetsov
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19 (01), 159-169, 2009
The Missing Stakeholder Group: why patients should be involved in health economic modelling
GAK van Voorn, P Vemer, D Hamerlijnck, IC Ramos, GJ Teunissen, M Al, ...
Applied health economics and health policy 14, 129-133, 2016
Ecological consequences of global bifurcations in some food chain models
GAK Van Voorn, BW Kooi, MP Boer
Mathematical biosciences 226 (2), 120-133, 2010
Sublethal toxic effects in a simple aquatic food chain
BW Kooi, D Bontje, GAK Van Voorn, S Kooijman
ecological modelling 212 (3), 304-318, 2008
An agent based model representation to assess resilience and efficiency of food supply chains
G Van Voorn, G Hengeveld, J Verhagen
Plos one 15 (11), e0242323, 2020
Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis
D Stiefs, GAK Van Voorn, BW Kooi, U Feudel, T Gross
The American Naturalist 176 (3), 367-380, 2010
Effects of social factors on fishing effort: The case of the Philippine tuna purse seine fishery
SVD Libre, GAK Van Voorn, GA Ten Broeke, M Bailey, P Berentsen, ...
Fisheries Research 172, 250-260, 2015
Smoking epidemic eradication in a eco-epidemiological dynamical model
GAK Van Voorn, BW Kooi
Ecological Complexity 14, 180-189, 2013
Emerging forest–peatland bistability and resilience of European peatland carbon stores
Y van der Velde, AJAM Temme, JJ Nijp, MC Braakhekke, GAK van Voorn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (38), e2101742118, 2021
Stabilization due to predator interference: comparison of different analysis approaches
GAK van Voorn, D Stiefs, T Gross, BW Kooi, U Feudel, SALM Kooijman
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 5 (3), 567-583, 2008
Don’t try to predict COVID-19. If you must, use Deep Uncertainty methods
P Steinmann, JR Wang, GAK van Voorn, JH Kwakkel
Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2020
Resilience through adaptation
GA Ten Broeke, GAK van Voorn, A Ligtenberg, J Molenaar
PloS one 12 (2), e0171833, 2017
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