Rajeev Singh
Rajeev Singh
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India
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Geometry of the generalized Bloch sphere for qutrits
SK Goyal, BN Simon, R Singh, S Simon
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (16), 165203, 2016
Signatures of the many-body localization transition in the dynamics of entanglement and bipartite fluctuations
R Singh, JH Bardarson, F Pollmann
New Journal of Physics 18, 023046, 2016
Hydrodynamic instabilities provide a generic route to spontaneous biomimetic oscillations in chemomechanically active filaments
A Laskar, R Singh, S Ghose, G Jayaraman, PBS Kumar, R Adhikari
Scientific Reports 3, 1964, 2013
Effect of long-range hopping and interactions on entanglement dynamics and many-body localization
R Singh, R Moessner, D Roy
Physical Review B 95 (9), 094205, 2017
Self-Organized Transition to Coherent Activity in Disordered Media
R Singh, J Xu, N Garnier, A Pumir, S Sinha
Physical Review Letters 108 (6), 068102, 2012
The role of cellular coupling in the spontaneous generation of electrical activity in uterine tissue
J Xu, SN Menon, R Singh, NB Garnier, S Sinha, A Pumir
PloS one 10 (3), e0118443, 2015
Spatiotemporal order, disorder, and propagating defects in homogeneous system of relaxation oscillators
R Singh, S Sinha
Physical Review E 87 (1), 012907, 2013
Probing many-body localization by spin noise spectroscopy
D Roy, R Singh, R Moessner
Physical Review B 92 (18), 180205, 2015
Unusual negative magnetoresistance in Bi2Se3–ySy topological insulator under perpendicular magnetic field
R Singh, VK Gangwar, DD Daga, A Singh, AK Ghosh, M Kumar, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (10), 102401, 2018
Complex patterns arise through spontaneous symmetry breaking in dense homogeneous networks of neural oscillators
R Singh, SN Menon, S Sinha
Scientific Reports 6, 22074, 2016
Extreme variability in convergence to structural balance in frustrated dynamical systems
R Singh, S Dasgupta, S Sinha
Europhysics Letters 105 (1), 10003, 2014
Chimera order in spin systems
R Singh, S Dasgupta, S Sinha
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 95, 10004, 2011
Controlled generation of genuine multipartite entanglement in Floquet Ising spin models
GK Naik, R Singh, SK Mishra
Physical Review A 99 (3), 032321, 2019
Relative volume of separable bipartite states
R Singh, R Kunjwal, R Simon
Physical Review A 89 (2), 022308, 2014
Comment on “Growth Inside a Corner: The limiting Interface Shape”
R Singh, R Rajesh
Physical Review Letters 109 (25), 259601, 2012
Poincare vector correlations to estimate polarization dynamics in the laser speckle
S Chandra, R Singh, RK Singh
Physica Scripta 98 (6), 065504, 2023
Control of Photon-Magnon Coupling in a Planar Hybrid Configuration
S Verma, A Maurya, R Singh, B Bhoi
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 1-9, 2024
Lateral inhibition provides a unifying framework for spatiotemporal pattern formation in media comprising relaxation oscillators
R Janaki, SN Menon, R Singh, S Sinha
Physical Review E 99 (5), 052216, 2019
The effect of quenched disorder on dynamical transitions in systems of coupled cells
J Xu, R Singh, NB Garnier, S Sinha, A Pumir
New Journal of Physics 15 (9), 093046, 2013
Order-Disorder transitions and spatio-temporal pattern formation in complex systems [HBNI Th74]
R Singh
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2014
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