Mingxiang Xu
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Cited by
Advances in understanding wettability of gas shales
M Xu, H Dehghanpour
Energy & Fuels 28 (7), 4362-4375, 2014
A comparative investigation of shale wettability: The significance of pore connectivity
Q Lan, M Xu, M Binazadeh, H Dehghanpour, JM Wood
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27, 1174-1188, 2015
Water sorption behaviour of gas shales: II. Pore size distribution
A Zolfaghari, H Dehghanpour, M Xu
International Journal of Coal Geology 179, 187-195, 2017
Effect of electrostatic interactions on water uptake of gas shales: the interplay of solution ionic strength and electrostatic double layer
M Binazadeh, M Xu, A Zolfaghari, H Dehghanpour
Energy & Fuels 30 (2), 992-1001, 2016
Advances in understanding wettability of tight and shale gas formations
Q Lan, M Xu, H Dehghanpour, J Wood
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-170969-MS, 2014
Experimental investigation for microscale stimulation of shales by water imbibition during the shut-in periods
A Gupta, M Xu, H Dehghanpour, D Bearinger
SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference?, D011S002R002, 2017
Effects of dissolved oxygen on water imbibition in gas shales
M Xu, M Binazadeh, A Zolfaghari, H Dehghanpour
Energy & Fuels 32 (4), 4695-4704, 2018
How significant are strain and stress induced by water imbibition in dry gas shales?
M Xu, A Gupta, H Dehghanpour
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 176, 428-443, 2019
Advances in understanding liquid flow in gas shales
E Ghanbari, M Xu, H Dehghanpour, D Bearinger
SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference?, D011S002R002, 2014
Understanding Rock-Fluid interactions in the montney tight oil play
A Habibi, M Xu, H Dehghanpour, D Bryan, G Uswak
SPE/CSUR unconventional resources conference, 2015
Wettability of gas shale reservoirs
H Dehghanpour, M Xu, A Habibi
Fundamentals of Gas Shale Reservoirs, 341-359, 2015
An Experimental Study of Shale-Water Interactions for Applications in Hydraulic Fracturing
M Xu
Preliminary Report on Hydration-Induced Swelling of Shale in the Horn River Basin, Northeastern British Columbia
A Gupta, M Xu, H Dehghanpour, D Bearinger
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Articles 1–13