Aditya Murthy
Aditya Murthy
centre for neuroscience iisc
Потвърден имейл адрес: iisc.ac.in
A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task
F Verbruggen, AR Aron, GP Band, C Beste, PG Bissett, AT Brockett, ...
elife 8, e46323, 2019
Search efficiency but not response interference affects visual selection in frontal eye field
T Sato, A Murthy, KG Thompson, JD Schall
Neuron 30 (2), 583-591, 2001
Dynamic dissociation of visual selection from saccade programming in frontal eye field
A Murthy, KG Thompson, JD Schall
Journal of neurophysiology 86 (5), 2634-2637, 2001
Dynamics of saccade target selection: race model analysis of double step and search step saccade production in human and macaque
CR Camalier, A Gotler, A Murthy, KG Thompson, GD Logan, TJ Palmeri, ...
Vision research 47 (16), 2187-2211, 2007
Frontal eye field contributions to rapid corrective saccades
A Murthy, S Ray, SM Shorter, EG Priddy, JD Schall, KG Thompson
Journal of Neurophysiology 97 (2), 1457-1469, 2007
Neural control of visual search by frontal eye field: effects of unexpected target displacement on visual selection and saccade preparation
A Murthy, S Ray, SM Shorter, JD Schall, KG Thompson
Journal of Neurophysiology 101 (5), 2485-2506, 2009
Programming of double-step saccade sequences: modulation by cognitive control
S Ray, JD Schall, A Murthy
Vision research 44 (23), 2707-2718, 2004
Inhibitory contributions to spatiotemporal receptive-field structure and direction selectivity in simple cells of cat area 17
A Murthy, AL Humphrey
Journal of Neurophysiology 81 (3), 1212-1224, 1999
Exploration of joint redundancy but not task space variability facilitates supervised motor learning
P Singh, S Jana, A Ghosal, A Murthy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (50), 14414-14419, 2016
Impaired inhibitory oculomotor control in patients with Parkinson’s disease
P Joti, S Kulashekhar, M Behari, A Murthy
Experimental brain research 177, 447-457, 2007
Hebbian learning and the development of direction selectivity: the role of geniculate response timings
JC Feidler, AB Saul, A Murthy, AL Humphrey
Network: Computation in Neural Systems 8 (2), 195, 1997
Understanding how the brain changes its mind: microstimulation in the macaque frontal eye field reveals how saccade plans are changed
A Ramakrishnan, R Sureshbabu, A Murthy
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (13), 4457-4472, 2012
Laminar differences in the spatiotemporal structure of simple cell receptive fields in cat area 17
A Murthy, AL Humphrey, AB Saul, JC Feidler
Visual neuroscience 15 (2), 239-256, 1998
Queuing of concurrent movement plans by basal ganglia
N Bhutani, R Sureshbabu, AA Farooqui, M Behari, V Goyal, A Murthy
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (24), 9985-9997, 2013
Cortical control and performance monitoring of interrupting and redirecting movements
P Pouget, A Murthy, V Stuphorn
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Control of predictive error correction during a saccadic double-step task
KM Sharika, A Ramakrishnan, A Murthy
Journal of neurophysiology 100 (5), 2757-2770, 2008
Evidence of common and separate eye and hand accumulators underlying flexible eye-hand coordination
S Jana, A Gopal, A Murthy
Journal of Neurophysiology 117 (1), 348-364, 2017
Covert inhibition potentiates online control in a double-step task
V Kapoor, A Murthy
Journal of Vision 8 (1), 20-20, 2008
Eye-hand coordination during a double-step task: evidence for a common stochastic accumulator
A Gopal, A Murthy
Journal of neurophysiology 114 (3), 1438-1454, 2015
Is saccade averaging determined by visual processing or movement planning?
N Bhutani, S Ray, A Murthy
Journal of neurophysiology 108 (12), 3161-3171, 2012
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