Daguang Xu
Daguang Xu
Senior Research Manager at NVIDIA
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Unetr: Transformers for 3d medical image segmentation
A Hatamizadeh, Y Tang, V Nath, D Yang, A Myronenko, B Landman, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2022
The future of digital health with federated learning
N Rieke, J Hancox, W Li, F Milletari, HR Roth, S Albarqouni, S Bakas, ...
NPJ digital medicine 3 (1), 1-7, 2020
The liver tumor segmentation benchmark (lits)
P Bilic, P Christ, HB Li, E Vorontsov, A Ben-Cohen, G Kaissis, A Szeskin, ...
Medical Image Analysis 84, 102680, 2023
Swin unetr: Swin transformers for semantic segmentation of brain tumors in mri images
A Hatamizadeh, V Nath, Y Tang, D Yang, HR Roth, D Xu
International MICCAI brainlesion workshop, 272-284, 2021
The medical segmentation decathlon
M Antonelli, A Reinke, S Bakas, K Farahani, A Kopp-Schneider, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 4128, 2022
Self-supervised pre-training of swin transformers for 3d medical image analysis
Y Tang, D Yang, W Li, HR Roth, B Landman, D Xu, V Nath, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Artificial intelligence for the detection of COVID-19 pneumonia on chest CT using multinational datasets
SA Harmon, TH Sanford, S Xu, EB Turkbey, H Roth, Z Xu, D Yang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4080, 2020
Privacy-preserving federated brain tumour segmentation
W Li, F Milletarì, D Xu, N Rieke, J Hancox, W Zhu, M Baust, Y Cheng, ...
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: 10th International Workshop, MLMI 2019 …, 2019
Federated learning for predicting clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19
I Dayan, HR Roth, A Zhong, A Harouni, A Gentili, AZ Abidin, A Liu, ...
Nature medicine 27 (10), 1735-1743, 2021
Monai: An open-source framework for deep learning in healthcare
MJ Cardoso, W Li, R Brown, N Ma, E Kerfoot, Y Wang, B Murrey, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.02701, 2022
Generalizing deep learning for medical image segmentation to unseen domains via deep stacked transformation
L Zhang, X Wang, D Yang, T Sanford, S Harmon, B Turkbey, BJ Wood, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (7), 2531-2540, 2020
Combo loss: Handling input and output imbalance in multi-organ segmentation
SA Taghanaki, Y Zheng, SK Zhou, B Georgescu, P Sharma, D Xu, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 75, 24-33, 2019
Automatic liver segmentation using an adversarial image-to-image network
D Yang, D Xu, SK Zhou, B Georgescu, M Chen, S Grbic, D Metaxas, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention− MICCAI 2017 …, 2017
When radiology report generation meets knowledge graph
Y Zhang, X Wang, Z Xu, Q Yu, A Yuille, D Xu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (07), 12910 …, 2020
Federated semi-supervised learning for COVID region segmentation in chest CT using multi-national data from China, Italy, Japan
D Yang, Z Xu, W Li, A Myronenko, HR Roth, S Harmon, S Xu, B Turkbey, ...
Medical image analysis 70, 101992, 2021
VerSe: a vertebrae labelling and segmentation benchmark for multi-detector CT images
A Sekuboyina, ME Husseini, A Bayat, M Löffler, H Liebl, H Li, G Tetteh, ...
Medical image analysis 73, 102166, 2021
Uncertainty-aware multi-view co-training for semi-supervised medical image segmentation and domain adaptation
Y Xia, D Yang, Z Yu, F Liu, J Cai, L Yu, Z Zhu, D Xu, A Yuille, H Roth
Medical image analysis 65, 101766, 2020
Federated learning for breast density classification: A real-world implementation
HR Roth, K Chang, P Singh, N Neumark, W Li, V Gupta, S Gupta, L Qu, ...
Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer, and Distributed and …, 2020
Method and System for Image Registration Using an Intelligent Artificial Agent
R Liao, S Miao, P De Tournemire, J Krebs, L Zhang, B Georgescu, S Grbic, ...
US Patent App. 15/587,094, 2017
3d anisotropic hybrid network: Transferring convolutional features from 2d images to 3d anisotropic volumes
S Liu, D Xu, SK Zhou, O Pauly, S Grbic, T Mertelmeier, J Wicklein, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
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