Christian CILAS
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Cited by
Effects of slope exposure, altitude and yield on coffee quality in two altitude terroirs of Costa Rica, Orosi and Santa María de Dota
J Avelino, B Barboza, JC Araya, C Fonseca, F Davrieux, B Guyot, C Cilas
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85 (11), 1869-1876, 2005
Quality of different Honduran coffees in relation to several environments
F Decazy, J Avelino, B Guyot, JJ Perriot, C Pineda, C Cilas
Journal of food science 68 (7), 2356-2361, 2003
Leaf inoculation as an early screening test for cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) resistance to Phytophthora black pod disease
S Nyassé, C Cilas, C Herail, G Blaha
Crop protection 14 (8), 657-663, 1995
Impact of environmental factors, chemical fungicide and biological control on cacao pod production dynamics and black pod disease (Phytophthora megakarya) in Cameroon
P Deberdt, CV Mfegue, PR Tondje, MC Bon, M Ducamp, C Hurard, ...
Biological Control 44 (2), 149-159, 2008
Phenotypic diversity of date-palm cultivars (Phoenix dactylifera L.) from Morocco
MA Elhoumaizi, M Saaidi, A Oihabi, C Cilas
Genetic resources and crop evolution 49 (5), 483-490, 2002
Impact of removing diseased pods on cocoa black pod caused by Phytophthora megakarya and on cocoa production in Cameroon
M Ndoumbe-Nkeng, C Cilas, E Nyemb, S Nyassé, D Bieysse, A Flori, ...
Crop protection 23 (5), 415-424, 2004
Impact of shade on the spatial distribution of Sahlbergella singularis in traditional cocoa agroforests.
R Babin, GM Ten Hoopen, C Cilas, F Enjalric, P Gendre, JP Lumaret
Agricultural & Forest Entomology 12 (1), 2010
Topography and crop management are key factors for the development of American leaf spot epidemics on coffee in Costa Rica
J Avelino, S Cabut, B Barboza, M Barquero, R Alfaro, C Esquivel, ...
Phytopathology 97 (12), 1532-1542, 2007
Phenological growth stages of cacao plants (Theobroma sp.): codification and description according to the BBCH scale
N Niemenak, C Cilas, C Rohsius, H Bleiholder, U Meier, R Lieberei
Annals of Applied Biology 156 (1), 13-24, 2010
Effect of shade on Arabica coffee berry disease development: Toward an agroforestry system to reduce disease impact
JAM Bedimo, I Njiayouom, D Bieysse, MN Nkeng, C Cilas, JL Notteghem
Phytopathology 98 (12), 1320-1325, 2008
Dissecting apple tree architecture into genetic, ontogenetic and environmental effects: mixed linear modelling of repeated spatial and temporal measures
V Segura, C Cilas, E Costes
New Phytologist 178 (2), 302-314, 2008
Genetic mapping of resistance factors to Phytophthora palmivora in cocoa
MH Flament, I Kebe, D Clément, I Pieretti, AM Risterucci, JAK N'Goran, ...
Genome 44 (1), 79-85, 2001
Prediction of genetic value for coffee production in Coffea arabica from a half-diallel with lines and hybrids
C Cilas, P Bouharmont, M Boccara, AB Eskes, PH Baradat
Euphytica 104 (1), 49-59, 1998
Coffea arabica hybrid performance for yield, fertility and bean weight
B Bertrand, H Etienne, C Cilas, A Charrier, P Baradat
Euphytica 141 (3), 255-262, 2005
Selection for bean and liquor qualities within related hybrids of Arabica coffee in multilocal field trials
CO Agwanda, P Baradat, AB Eskes, C Cilas, A Charrier
Euphytica 131, 1-14, 2003
Genetic parameters of several biochemical compounds from green coffee, Coffea canephora
C Montagnon, B Guyot, C Cilas, T Leroy
Plant Breeding 117 (6), 576-578, 1998
Validity of a leaf inoculation test to assess the resistance to Phytophthora megakarya in a cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) diallel mating design
S Nyassé, D Despréaux, C Cilas
Euphytica 123, 395-399, 2002
Tree spatial structure, host composition and resource availability influence mirid density or black pod prevalence in cacao agroforests in Cameroon
C Gidoin, R Babin, L Bagny Beilhe, C Cilas, GM Ten Hoopen, MAN Bieng
PLoS one 9 (10), e109405, 2014
Challenges to cocoa production in the face of climate change and the spread of pests and diseases
C Cilas, P Bastide
Agronomy 10 (9), 1232, 2020
Effect of cultural practices on the development of arabica coffee berry disease, caused by Colletotrichum kahawae
JA Mouen Bedimo, D Bieysse, I Njiayouom, JP Deumeni, C Cilas, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 119, 391-400, 2007
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Articles 1–20