Tom Decroos
Tom Decroos
Software engineer at Meta | PhD KU leuven
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Actions speak louder than goals: Valuing player actions in soccer
T Decroos, L Bransen, J Van Haaren, J Davis
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2019
Automatic discovery of tactics in spatio-temporal soccer match data
T Decroos, J Van Haaren, J Davis
Proceedings of the 24th acm sigkdd international conference on knowledge …, 2018
Predicting soccer highlights from spatio-temporal match event streams
T Decroos, V Dzyuba, J Van Haaren, J Davis
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
Player vectors: Characterizing soccer players’ playing style from match event streams
T Decroos, J Davis
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2020
Valuing on-the-ball actions in soccer: a critical comparison of XT and VAEP
M Van Roy, P Robberechts, T Decroos, J Davis
Proceedings of the 2020 AAAI Workshop on AI in Team Sports, 1-8, 2020
STARSS: A Spatio-Temporal Action Rating System for Soccer.
T Decroos, J Van Haaren, V Dzyuba, J Davis
MLSA@ PKDD/ECML, 11-20, 2017
VAEP: An objective approach to valuing on-the-ball actions in soccer
T Decroos, L Bransen, J Van Haaren, J Davis
IJCAI, 4696-4700, 2020
Predicting the Potential of Professional Soccer Players.
R Vroonen, T Decroos, J Van Haaren, J Davis
MLSA@ PKDD/ECML, 1-10, 2017
SoccerMix: Representing soccer actions with mixture models
T Decroos, M Van Roy, J Davis
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Applied Data Science …, 2021
AMIE: automatic monitoring of indoor exercises
T Decroos, K Schütte, TO De Beéck, B Vanwanseele, J Davis
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2019
Interpretable prediction of goals in soccer
T Decroos, J Davis
Proceedings of the AAAI-20 workshop on artificial intelligence in team sports, 2019
Soccer analytics meets artificial intelligence: learning value and style from soccer event stream data
T Decroos
Ph. D. Thesis, 2020
Analyzing soccer players’ skill ratings over time using tensor-based methods
K Verstraete, T Decroos, B Coussement, N Vannieuwenhoven, J Davis
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International …, 2020
Solving Euclidean Steiner tree problems with multi swarm optimization
T Decroos, P De Causmaecker, B Demoen
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on …, 2015
Analyzing Performance and Playing Style Using Ball Event Data
J Van Haaren, P Robberechts, T Decroos, L Bransen, J Davis
Football Analytics: Now and Beyond. A deep dive into the current state of …, 2019
Assessing the performances of soccer players
J Davis, L Bransen, T Decroos, P Robberechts, J Van Haaren
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport …, 2020
How does context affect player performance in football?
L Bransen, P Robberechts, J Davis, T Decroos, J Van Haaren
Barça Innovation Hub, 2020
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