Gregor Hofer
Gregor Hofer
Edinburgh University
Потвърден имейл адрес: speech-graphics.com
A two-dimensional polymer synthesized through topochemical [2+ 2]-cycloaddition on the multigram scale
RZ Lange, G Hofer, T Weber, AD Schluter
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (5), 2053-2059, 2017
Tuning polymer thickness: synthesis and scaling theory of homologous series of dendronized polymers
Y Guo, JD van Beek, B Zhang, M Colussi, P Walde, A Zhang, M Kröger, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (33), 11841-11854, 2009
Analysis of Deep Learning Architectures for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition.
J Parry, D Palaz, G Clarke, P Lecomte, R Mead, M Berger, G Hofer
Interspeech, 1656-1660, 2019
A two‐dimensional polymer synthesized at the air/water interface
V Müller, A Hinaut, M Moradi, M Baljozovic, TA Jung, P Shahgaldian, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (33), 10584-10588, 2018
Informed blending of databases for emotional speech synthesis
GO Hofer, K Richmond, RAJ Clark
International Speech Communication Association, 2005
Speech-driven lip motion generation with a trajectory HMM
G Hofer, J Yamagishi, H Shimodaira
INTERSPEECH 2008, 9th Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2008
Joint audiovisual hidden semi-markov model-based speech synthesis
D Schabus, M Pucher, G Hofer
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 8 (2), 336-347, 2013
Enriching and quantifying porous single layer 2D polymers by exfoliation of chemically modified van der Waals crystals
RZ Lange, K Synnatschke, H Qi, N Huber, G Hofer, B Liang, C Huck, ...
Angewandte Chemie 132 (14), 5732-5744, 2020
Automatic head motion prediction from speech data
G Hofer, H Shimodaira
How to use X-ray diffraction to elucidate 2D polymerization propagation in single crystals
AD Schlüter, T Weber, G Hofer
Chemical Society Reviews 49 (15), 5140-5158, 2020
Comparison of hmm and tmd methods for lip synchronisation
G Hofer, K Richmond
Unraveling two-dimensional polymerization in the single crystal
G Hofer, F Grieder, M Kröger, AD Schlüter, T Weber
Journal of Applied Crystallography 51 (2), 481-497, 2018
Decorating the Edges of a 2D Polymer with a Fluorescence Label
Y Zhao, RHM Bernitzky, MJ Kory, G Hofer, J Hofkens, AD Schluter
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (28), 8976-8981, 2016
Speech-driven head motion synthesis based on a trajectory model.
G Hofer, H Shimodaira, J Yamagishi
Objective and subjective feature evaluation for speaker-adaptive visual speech synthesis
D Schabus, M Pucher, G Hofer
Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP) 2013, 2013
High-pressure polymorphism and structural transitions of norsethite, BaMg(CO3)2
T Pippinger, R Miletich, H Effenberger, G Hofer, P Lotti, M Merlini
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41, 737-755, 2014
Resources for speech synthesis of Viennese varieties
M Pucher, F Neubarth, V Strom, S Moosmuller, G Hofer, C Kranzler, ...
Emotional speech synthesis
GO Hofer
Unpublished master's thesis, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2004
Using linguistic and vocal expressiveness in social role recognition
T Wilson, G Hofer
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2011
Exfoliation of two-dimensional polymer single crystals into thin sheets and investigations of their surface structure by high-resolution atomic force microscopy
H Beyer, MJ Kory, G Hofer, A Stemmer, AD Schlüter
Nanoscale 9 (27), 9481-9490, 2017
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