Hegel and modern society C Taylor Cambridge University Press, 2015 | 1827 | 2015 |
Multigroup analysis in partial least squares (PLS) path modeling: Alternative methods and empirical results M Sarstedt, J Henseler, CM Ringle Measurement and research methods in international marketing, 195-218, 2011 | 1815 | 2011 |
What is a luxury brand? A new definition and review of the literature E Ko, JP Costello, CR Taylor Journal of Business Research 99, 405-413, 2019 | 875 | 2019 |
The EXPERF scale: a cross-national generalized export performance measure S Zou, CR Taylor, GE Osland Journal of international Marketing 6 (3), 37-58, 1998 | 836 | 1998 |
Social media and international advertising: theoretical challenges and future directions S Okazaki, CR Taylor International marketing review 30 (1), 56-71, 2013 | 705 | 2013 |
Asian-Americans: Television advertising and the “model minority” stereotype CR Taylor, BB Stern Journal of advertising 26 (2), 47-61, 1997 | 514 | 1997 |
Voluntary self‐disclosure of information on the Internet: A multimethod study of the motivations and consequences of disclosing information on blogs DH Lee, S Im, CR Taylor Psychology & Marketing 25 (7), 692-710, 2008 | 331 | 2008 |
Selecting international modes of entry and expansion GE Osland, CR Taylor, S Zou Marketing intelligence & planning 19 (3), 153-161, 2001 | 309 | 2001 |
The impact of information level on the effectiveness of US and Korean television commercials CR Taylor, GE Miracle, RD Wilson Journal of Advertising 26 (1), 1-18, 1997 | 300 | 1997 |
Moving international advertising research forward: A new research agenda CR Taylor Journal of Advertising 34 (1), 7-16, 2005 | 290 | 2005 |
A critical review of the literature on nutritional labeling S Hieke, CR Taylor Journal of Consumer Affairs 46 (1), 120-156, 2012 | 283 | 2012 |
Measuring soft-sell versus hard-sell advertising appeals S Okazaki, B Mueller, CR Taylor Journal of Advertising 39 (2), 5-20, 2010 | 259 | 2010 |
Use and effectiveness of billboards: Perspectives from selective-perception theory and retail-gravity models CR Taylor, GR Franke, HK Bang Journal of advertising 35 (4), 21-34, 2006 | 254 | 2006 |
What is SMS advertising and why do multinationals adopt it? Answers from an empirical study in European markets S Okazaki, CR Taylor Journal of business research 61 (1), 4-12, 2008 | 250 | 2008 |
Global consumer culture positioning: Testing perceptions of soft-sell and hard-sell advertising appeals between US and Japanese consumers S Okazaki, B Mueller, CR Taylor Journal of International Marketing 18 (2), 20-34, 2010 | 248 | 2010 |
Academic insights: An application of multiple-group causal models in assessing cross-cultural measurement equivalence MB Myers, RJ Calantone, TJ Page Jr, CR Taylor Journal of International marketing 8 (4), 108-121, 2000 | 226 | 2000 |
A cross-cultural examination of corporate social responsibility marketing communications in Mexico and the United States: Strategies for global brands KL Becker-Olsen, CR Taylor, RP Hill, G Yalcinkaya Journal of International marketing 19 (2), 30-44, 2011 | 225 | 2011 |
The financial impact of loyalty programs in the hotel industry: A social exchange theory perspective JJY Lee, ML Capella, CR Taylor, CB Gabler Journal of Business Research 67 (10), 2139-2146, 2014 | 201 | 2014 |
Portrayals of African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans in magazine advertising CR Taylor, JY Lee, BB Stern American Behavioral Scientist 38 (4), 608-621, 1995 | 200 | 1995 |
The urgent need for more research on influencer marketing CR Taylor International Journal of Advertising 39 (7), 889-891, 2020 | 191 | 2020 |