Frank Reith
Frank Reith
A/Prof. and ARC Future Fellow, The University of Adelaide, School of Biological Sciences
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Mechanisms of gold biomineralization in the bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans
F Reith, B Etschmann, C Grosse, H Moors, MA Benotmane, P Monsieurs, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (42), 17757-17762, 2009
The geomicrobiology of gold
F Reith, MF Lengke, D Falconer, D Craw, G Southam
The ISME journal 1 (7), 567-584, 2007
Biomineralization of gold: biofilms on bacterioform gold
F Reith, SL Rogers, DC McPhail, D Webb
science 313 (5784), 233-236, 2006
Introducing BASE: the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments soil microbial diversity database
A Bissett, A Fitzgerald, T Meintjes, PM Mele, F Reith, PG Dennis, ...
GigaScience 5, 1-11, 2016
Ecological drivers of soil microbial diversity and soil biological networks in the Southern Hemisphere
M Delgado‐Baquerizo, F Reith, PG Dennis, K Hamonts, JR Powell, ...
Ecology 99 (3), 583-596, 2018
Nanoparticle factories: Biofilms hold the key to gold dispersion and nugget formation
F Reith, L Fairbrother, G Nolze, O Wilhelmi, PL Clode, A Gregg, ...
Geology 38, 843-846, 2010
Regolith science
K Scott, C Pain
Csiro Publishing, 2009
The biogeochemistry of gold
G Southam, MF Lengke, L Fairbrother, F Reith
Elements 5 (5), 303-307, 2009
Circular linkages between soil biodiversity, fertility and plant productivity are limited to topsoil at the continental scale
M Delgado‐Baquerizo, JR Powell, K Hamonts, F Reith, P Mele, MV Brown, ...
New Phytologist 215 (3), 1186-1196, 2017
Platinum in Earth surface environments
F Reith, SG Campbell, AS Ball, A Pring, G Southam
Earth-Science Reviews 131, 1-21, 2014
Supergene gold transformation: Secondary and nano-particulate gold from southern New Zealand
F Reith, L Stewart, SA Wakelin
Chemical Geology 320, 32-45, 2012
Effect of resident microbiota on the solubilization of gold in soil from the Tomakin Park Gold Mine, New South Wales, Australia
F Reith, DC McPhail
Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta 70 (6), 1421-1438, 2006
Supergene gold transformation: Biogenic secondary and nano-particulate gold from arid Australia
L Fairbrother, J Brugger, J Shapter, JS Laird, G Southam, F Reith
Chemical Geology 320, 17-31, 2012
Enrichment of germanium and associated arsenic and tungsten in coal and roll-front uranium deposits
B Etschmann, W Liu, K Li, S Dai, F Reith, D Falconer, G Kerr, D Paterson, ...
Chemical Geology 463, 29-49, 2017
Influence of geogenic factors on microbial communities in metallogenic Australian soils
F Reith, J Brugger, CM Zammit, AL Gregg, KC Goldfarb, GL Andersen, ...
The ISME journal 6 (11), 2107-2118, 2012
Biogeography and emerging significance of Actinobacteria in Australia and Northern Antarctica soils
R Araujo, VVSR Gupta, F Reith, A Bissett, P Mele, CMM Franco
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 146, 107805, 2020
Bacillus cereus, gold and associated elements in soil and other regolith samples from Tomakin Park Gold Mine in southeastern New South Wales, Australia
F Reith, DC McPhail, AG Christy
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 85 (2), 81-98, 2005
Influence of copper resistance determinants on gold transformation by Cupriavidus metallidurans strain CH34
N Wiesemann, J Mohr, C Grosse, M Herzberg, G Hause, F Reith, DH Nies
Journal of bacteriology 195 (10), 2298-2308, 2013
Biomineralization of Gold in Biofilms of Cupriavidus metallidurans
L Fairbrother, B Etschmann, J Brugger, J Shapter, G Southam, F Reith
Environmental Science & Technology 47 (6), 2628-2635, 2013
Secondary gold structures: Relics of past biogeochemical transformations and implications for colloidal gold dispersion in subtropical environments
J Shuster, F Reith, G Cornelis, JE Parsons, JM Parsons, G Southam
Chemical Geology 450, 154-164, 2017
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Articles 1–20