jean louis Vigneresse
jean louis Vigneresse
Géoressources, Université de Lorraine
Потвърден имейл адрес: univ-lorraine.fr
Granite magma formation, transport and emplacement in the Earth's crust
N Petford, AR Cruden, KJW McCaffrey, JL Vigneresse
Nature 408 (6813), 669-673, 2000
Rheological transitions during partial melting and crystallization with application to felsic magma segregation and transfer
JL Vigneresse, P Barbey, M Cuney
Journal of Petrology 37 (6), 1579-1600, 1996
Nb-Ta fractionation in peraluminous granites: A marker of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition
C Ballouard, M Poujol, P Boulvais, Y Branquet, R Tartèse, JL Vigneresse
Geology 44 (3), 231-234, 2016
The Mortagne granite pluton (France) emplaced by pull-apart along a shear zone: structural and gravimetric arguments and regional implication
B Guineberteau, JL Bouchez, JL Vigneresse
Geological Society of America Bulletin 99 (6), 763-770, 1987
Transpressional kinematics and magmatic arcs
MDS Blanquat, B Tikoff, C Teyssier, JL Vigneresse
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 135 (1), 327-340, 1998
Control of granite emplacement by regional deformation
JL Vigneresse
Tectonophysics 249 (3-4), 173-186, 1995
Strain partitioning during partial melting and crystallizing felsic magmas
JL Vigneresse, B Tikoff
Tectonophysics 312 (2-4), 117-132, 1999
Modification of the regional stress field by magma intrusion and formation of tabular granitic plutons
JL Vigneresse, B Tikoff, L Améglio
Tectonophysics 302 (3-4), 203-224, 1999
Crustal regime of deformation and ascent of granitic magma
JL Vigneresse
Tectonophysics 249 (3-4), 187-202, 1995
The Flamanville granite (northwest France): an unequivocal example of a syntectonically expanding pluton
JP Brun, D Gapais, JP Cogne, P Ledru, JL Vigneresse
Geological Journal 25 (3‐4), 271-286, 1990
Granitic magma ascent and emplacement: neither diapirism nor neutral buoyancy
JL Vigneresse, JD Clemens
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 174 (1), 1-19, 2000
Melt segregation under compaction and shear channeling: Application to granitic magma segregation in a continental crust
M Rabinowicz, JL Vigneresse
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B4), 2004
The role of discontinuous magma inputs in felsic magma and ore generation
JL Vigneresse
Ore Geology Reviews 30 (3-4), 181-216, 2007
Use and misuse of geophysical data to determine the shape at depth of granitic intrusions
JL Vigneresse
Geological Journal 25 (3‐4), 249-260, 1990
Successive granitic magma batches during pluton emplacement: the case of Cabeza de Araya (Spain)
JL Vigneresse, JL Bouchez
Journal of Petrology 38 (12), 1767-1776, 1997
A rolling mill effect in asthenosphere beneath oceanic spreading centers
M Rabinowicz, A Nicolas, JL Vigneresse
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 67 (1), 97-108, 1984
A new paradigm for granite generation
JL Vigneresse
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of …, 2004
The specific case of the Mid-Proterozoic rapakivi granites and associated suite within the context of the Columbia supercontinent
JL Vigneresse
Precambrian research 137 (1-2), 1-34, 2005
Granite pluton geometry and emplacement mode inferred from combined fabric and gravity data
L Améglio, JL Vigneresse, JL Bouchez
Granite: From segregation of melt to emplacement fabrics, 199-214, 1997
Metallogenesis in the French part of the Variscan orogen. Part I: U preconcentrations in pre-Variscan and Variscan formations—a comparison with Sn, W and Au
M Cuney, M Friedrich, P Blumenfeld, A Bourguignon, MC Boiron, ...
Tectonophysics 177 (1-3), 39-57, 1990
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