sarah baird
sarah baird
Associate Professor of Global Health and Economics, George Washington University
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Cash or condition? Evidence from a cash transfer experiment
S Baird, C McIntosh, B Özler
The Quarterly journal of economics 126 (4), 1709-1753, 2011
Effect of a cash transfer programme for schooling on prevalence of HIV and herpes simplex type 2 in Malawi: a cluster randomised trial
SJ Baird, RS Garfein, CT McIntosh, B Özler
The Lancet 379 (9823), 1320-1329, 2012
Scoring corporate environmental and sustainability reports using GRI 2000, ISO 14031 and other criteria
JE Morhardt, S Baird, K Freeman
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management 9 (4), 215-233, 2002
The short‐term impacts of a schooling conditional cash transfer program on the sexual behavior of young women
S Baird, E Chirwa, C McIntosh, B Özler
Health economics 19 (S1), 55-68, 2010
Aggregate income shocks and infant mortality in the developing world
S Baird, J Friedman, N Schady
Review of Economics and statistics 93 (3), 847-856, 2011
Relative effectiveness of conditional and unconditional cash transfers for schooling outcomes in developing countries: a systematic review
S Baird, FHG Ferreira, B Özler, M Woolcock
Campbell systematic reviews 9 (1), 1-124, 2013
Worms at work: Long-run impacts of a child health investment
S Baird, JH Hicks, M Kremer, E Miguel
The quarterly journal of economics 131 (4), 1637-1680, 2016
Conditional, unconditional and everything in between: a systematic review of the effects of cash transfer programmes on schooling outcomes
S Baird, FHG Ferreira, B Özler, M Woolcock
Journal of Development Effectiveness 6 (1), 1-43, 2014
Income shocks and adolescent mental health
S Baird, J De Hoop, B Özler
Journal of Human Resources 48 (2), 370-403, 2013
Optimal design of experiments in the presence of interference
S Baird, JA Bohren, C McIntosh, B Özler
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (5), 844-860, 2018
Investment in child and adolescent health and development: key messages from Disease Control Priorities
DAP Bundy, N de Silva, S Horton, GC Patton, L Schultz, DT Jamison, ...
The Lancet 391 (10121), 687-699, 2018
When the money runs out: Do cash transfers have sustained effects on human capital accumulation?
S Baird, C McIntosh, B Özler
Journal of Development Economics 140, 169-185, 2019
The effects of cash transfers on adult labor market outcomes
S Baird, D McKenzie, B Özler
IZA Journal of Development and Migration 8, 1-20, 2018
Designing cost-effective cash transfer programs to boost schooling among young women in Sub-Saharan Africa
S Baird, C McIntosh, B Ozler
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2009
The regressive demands of demand-driven development
S Baird, C McIntosh, B Özler
Journal of Public Economics 106, 27-41, 2013
Maternity leave access and health: A systematic narrative review and conceptual framework development
E Andres, S Baird, JB Bingenheimer, AR Markus
Maternal and Child Health Journal 20, 1178-1192, 2016
Girl power: cash transfers and adolescent welfare: evidence from a cluster-randomized experiment in Malawi
S Baird, E Chirwa, J De Hoop, B Özler
African Successes, Volume II: Human Capital, 139-164, 2014
Simulations for designing and interpreting intervention trials in infectious diseases
ME Halloran, K Auranen, S Baird, NE Basta, SE Bellan, R Brookmeyer, ...
BMC medicine 15, 1-8, 2017
Twenty-year economic impacts of deworming
J Hamory, E Miguel, M Walker, M Kremer, S Baird
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (14), e2023185118, 2021
Intersecting barriers to adolescents’ educational access during COVID-19: Exploring the role of gender, disability and poverty
N Jones, IS Tapia, S Baird, S Guglielmi, E Oakley, WA Yadete, M Sultan, ...
International Journal of Educational Development 85, 102428, 2021
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