Michael Sturman
Michael Sturman
Потвърден имейл адрес: rutgers.edu
A tale of three perspectives: Examining post hoc statistical techniques for detection and correction of common method variance
HA Richardson, MJ Simmering, MC Sturman
Organizational research methods 12 (4), 762-800, 2009
Searching for the inverted U-shaped relationship between time and performance: Meta-analyses of the experience/performance, tenure/performance, and age/performance relationships
MC Sturman
Journal of management 29 (5), 609-640, 2003
Compensation policy and organizational performance: The efficiency, operational, and financial implications of pay levels and pay structure
MP Brown, MC Sturman, MJ Simmering
Academy of management Journal 46 (6), 752-762, 2003
The differential effects of the quality and quantity of online reviews on hotel room sales
I Blal, MC Sturman
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 55 (4), 365-375, 2014
Using a Random-effects model to test differing conceptualizations of multidimensional constructs
MC Sturman, SM Carraher
Organizational Research Methods 10 (1), 108-135, 2007
Is it worth it to win the talent war? Evaluating the utility of performance‐based pay
MC Sturman, CO Trevor, JW Boudreau, B Gerhart
Personnel Psychology 56 (4), 997-1035, 2003
The impact of job complexity and performance measurement on the temporal consistency, stability, and test-retest reliability of employee job performance ratings.
MC Sturman, RA Cheramie, LH Cashen
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (2), 269, 2005
Does the measure of dispersion matter in multilevel research? A comparison of the relative performance of dispersion indexes
QM Roberson, MC Sturman, TL Simons
Organizational Research Methods 10 (4), 564-588, 2007
The use of the concept “entitlement” in management literature: A historical review, synthesis, and discussion of compensation policy implications
SE Naumann, BD Minsky, MC Sturman
Human Resource Management Review 12 (1), 145-166, 2002
Managing Hospitality Organizations: Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience [Includes citations from Ford, Sturman, & Heaton, 2011, from version of book published by Cengage]
RC Ford, MC Sturman
SAGE Publications, 2018
Justice as a dynamic construct: effects of individual trajectories on distal work outcomes.
JP Hausknecht, MC Sturman, QM Roberson
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (4), 872, 2011
Executive career management: Switching organizations and the boundaryless career
RA Cheramie, MC Sturman, K Walsh
Journal of Vocational Behavior 71 (3), 359-374, 2007
The effect of culture on the curvilinear relationship between performance and turnover.
MC Sturman, L Shao, JH Katz
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (1), 46, 2012
The implications of linking the dynamic performance and turnover literatures.
MC Sturman, CO Trevor
Journal of Applied Psychology 86 (4), 684, 2001
The value of human capital specificity versus transferability
MC Sturman, K Walsh, RA Cheramie
Journal of Management 34 (2), 290-316, 2008
Lump‐sum bonus satisfaction: testing the construct validity of a new pay satisfaction dimension
MC Sturman, JC Short
Personnel Psychology 53 (3), 673-700, 2000
Consumer racial discrimination in tipping: A replication and extension
M Lynn, M Sturman, C Ganley, E Adams, M Douglas, J McNeil
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (4), 1045-1060, 2008
Only time will tell: The changing relationships between LMX, job performance, and justice.
S Park, MC Sturman, C Vanderpool, E Chan
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (3), 660, 2015
Comparison of three meta-analytic procedures for estimating moderating effects of categorical variables
H Aguinis, MC Sturman, CA Pierce
Organizational Research Methods 11 (1), 9-34, 2008
Ability versus personality: Factors that predict employee job performance
JB Tracey, MC Sturman, MJ Tews
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 48 (3), 313-322, 2007
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