Maria G Martini
Cited by
Cited by
QoE management of multimedia streaming services in future networks: A tutorial and survey
AA Barakabitze, N Barman, A Ahmad, S Zadtootaghaj, L Sun, MG Martini, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 22 (1), 526-565, 2019
QoE modeling for HTTP adaptive video streaming–a survey and open challenges
N Barman, MG Martini
Ieee Access 7, 30831-30859, 2019
Psychophysiology-based QoE assessment: A survey
U Engelke, DP Darcy, GH Mulliken, S Bosse, MG Martini, S Arndt, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (1), 6-21, 2016
Content adaptive network aware joint optimization of wireless video transmission
MG Martini, M Mazzotti, C Lamy-Bergot, J Huusko, P Amon
IEEE Communications Magazine 45 (1), 84-90, 2007
On sequential frame synchronization in AWGN channels
M Chiani, MG Martini
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54 (2), 339-348, 2006
Medical QoS provision based on reinforcement learning in ultrasound streaming over 3.5 G wireless systems
RSH Istepanian, NY Philip, MG Martini
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in Communications 27 (4), 566-574, 2009
Reduced-reference quality metric for 3D depth map transmission
CTER Hewage, MG Martini
2010 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision-Capture, Transmission and Display of …, 2010
Quality of experience for 3D video streaming
CTER Hewage, MG Martini
IEEE Communications Magazine 51 (5), 101-107, 2013
No-reference video quality estimation based on machine learning for passive gaming video streaming applications
N Barman, E Jammeh, SA Ghorashi, MG Martini
IEEE Access 7, 74511-74527, 2019
GamingVideoSET: a dataset for gaming video streaming applications
N Barman, S Zadtootaghaj, S Schmidt, MG Martini, S Möller
2018 16th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames …, 2018
An evaluation of video quality assessment metrics for passive gaming video streaming
N Barman, S Schmidt, S Zadtootaghaj, MG Martini, S Möller
Proceedings of the 23rd packet video workshop, 7-12, 2018
A Study on Quality Assessment for Medical Ultrasound Video Compressed via HEVC
M Razaak, MG Martini, K Savino
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18 (5), 1552-9, 2014
A downlink scheduling approach for balancing QoS in LTE wireless networks
MM Nasralla, MG Martini
2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2013
Challenges of future multimedia QoE monitoring for internet service providers
W Robitza, A Ahmad, PA Kara, L Atzori, MG Martini, A Raake, L Sun
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 22243-22266, 2017
Reduced-reference quality assessment for 3D video compression and transmission
CTER Hewage, MG Martini
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 57 (3), 1185-1193, 2011
Fundus image quality assessment: survey, challenges, and future scope
A Raj, AK Tiwari, MG Martini
IET Image Processing 13 (8), 1211-1224, 2019
Cross-layer architecture for scalable video transmission in wireless network
J Huusko, J Vehkaperä, P Amon, C Lamy-Bergot, G Panza, J Peltola, ...
Signal Processing: Image Communication 22 (3), 317-330, 2007
Image quality assessment based on edge preservation
MG Martini, CTER Hewage, B Villarini
Signal Processing: Image Communication 27 (8), 875-882, 2012
Subjective and objective quality assessment in wireless teleultrasonography imaging
RSH Istepanian, N Philip, MG Martini, N Amso, P Shorvon
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
NR-GVQM: A no reference gaming video quality metric
S Zadtootaghaj, N Barman, S Schmidt, MG Martini, S Möller
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 131-134, 2018
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Articles 1–20