Clemens Stachl
Clemens Stachl
Institute of Behavioral Science and Technology, University of St. Gallen
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Predicting personality from patterns of behavior collected with smartphones
C Stachl, Q Au, R Schoedel, SD Gosling, GM Harari, D Buschek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (30), 17680-17687, 2020
Sensing sociability: Individual differences in young adults’ conversation, calling, texting, and app use behaviors in daily life.
GM Harari, SR Müller, C Stachl, R Wang, W Wang, M Bühner, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 119 (1), 204, 2020
Personality research and assessment in the era of machine learning
C Stachl, F Pargent, S Hilbert, GM Harari, R Schoedel, S Vaid, SD Gosling, ...
European Journal of Personality 34 (5), 613-631, 2020
Personality traits predict smartphone usage
C Stachl, S Hilbert, JQ Au, D Buschek, A De Luca, B Bischl, H Hussmann, ...
European Journal of Personality 31 (6), 701-722, 2017
Bottom-up and top-down: Predicting personality with psycholinguistic and language model features
Y Mehta, S Fatehi, A Kazameini, C Stachl, E Cambria, S Eetemadi
2020 IEEE international conference on data mining (ICDM), 1184-1189, 2020
Age and gender in language, emoji, and emoticon usage in instant messages
TK Koch, P Romero, C Stachl
Computers in Human Behavior 126, 106990, 2022
Developing a personality model for speech-based conversational agents using the psycholexical approach
ST Völkel, R Schödel, D Buschek, C Stachl, V Winterhalter, M Bühner, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Personality sensing for theory development and assessment in the digital age
GM Harari, SS Vaid, SR Müller, C Stachl, Z Marrero, R Schoedel, ...
European Journal of Personality 34 (5), 649-669, 2020
How to e-mental health: a guideline for researchers and practitioners using digital technology in the context of mental health
C Seiferth, L Vogel, B Aas, I Brandhorst, P Carlbring, A Conzelmann, ...
Nature Mental Health 1 (8), 542-554, 2023
Machine learning for the educational sciences
S Hilbert, S Coors, E Kraus, B Bischl, A Lindl, M Frei, J Wild, S Krauss, ...
Review of Education 9 (3), e3310, 2021
Grouped feature importance and combined features effect plot
Q Au, J Herbinger, C Stachl, B Bischl, G Casalicchio
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 36 (4), 1401-1450, 2022
To challenge the morning lark and the night owl: Using smartphone sensing data to investigate day–night behaviour patterns
R Schoedel, F Pargent, Q Au, ST Völkel, T Schuwerk, M Bühner, C Stachl
European Journal of Personality 34 (5), 733-752, 2020
Digital footprints of sensation seeking
R Schoedel, Q Au, ST Völkel, F Lehmann, D Becker, M Bühner, B Bischl, ...
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2019
Best practices in supervised machine learning: A tutorial for psychologists
F Pargent, R Schoedel, C Stachl
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (3 …, 2023
Computational personality assessment
C Stachl, RL Boyd, KT Horstmann, P Khambatta, SC Matz, GM Harari
Personality Science 2 (1), e6115, 2021
Using machine learning to predict student retention from socio-demographic characteristics and app-based engagement metrics
SC Matz, CS Bukow, H Peters, C Deacons, A Dinu, C Stachl
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 5705, 2023
Multilabel classification with R package mlr
P Probst, Q Au, G Casalicchio, C Stachl, B Bischl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.08991, 2017
Analyzing GPS data for psychological research: a tutorial
SR Müller, JB Bayer, MQ Ross, J Mount, C Stachl, GM Harari, YJ Chang, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 5 (2 …, 2022
Enter the wild: Autistic traits and their relationship to mentalizing and social interaction in everyday life
T Schuwerk, LJ Kaltefleiter, JQ Au, A Hoesl, C Stachl
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, 4193-4208, 2019
Opportunities and challenges of utilizing personality traits for personalization in HCI
ST Völkel, R Schödel, D Buschek, C Stachl, Q Au, B Bischl, M Bühner, ...
Personalized Human-Computer Interaction, 31, 2019
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