Elaine Hayashi
Elaine Hayashi
PhD in Computer Science, University of Campinas
Потвърден имейл адрес: ic.unicamp.br
Exploring new formats of the Self-Assessment Manikin in the design with children
ECS Hayashi, JEG Posada, VRML Maike, MCC Baranauskas
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2016
Avaliando a qualidade afetiva de sistemas computacionais interativos no cenário brasileiro
E Hayashi, V Neris, C Baranauskas, MC Martins, L Piccolo, R Costa
Usabilidade, Acessibilidade e Inteligibilidade Aplicadas em Interfaces para …, 2009
Design de interfaces para todos-Demandas da diversidade cultural e social
VPA Neris, MC Martins, M Prado, ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
XXXV Semish/XXVIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC), 76-90, 2008
Designing inclusive social networks: a participatory approach
LDA Almeida, VP de Almeida Neris, LC de Miranda, ECS Hayashi, ...
Online Communities and Social Computing: Third International Conference …, 2009
Towards a socially-constructed meaning for inclusive social network systems
VPA Neris, LD Almeida, LC Miranda, E Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations …, 2009
Affectibility in educational technologies: A socio-technical perspective for design
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 16 (1), 57-68, 2013
Facing the digital divide in a participatory way–an exploratory study
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
IFIP Human-Computer Interaction Symposium, 143-154, 2008
The affectibility concept in systems for learning contexts
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS) 1 (1/2), 10-18, 2011
Collective construction of meaning and system for an inclusive social network
VP de Almeida Neris, LDA Almeida, LC De Miranda, ECS Hayashi, ...
International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC) 2 (3 …, 2011
Inclusive social networks: Clarifying concepts and prospecting solutions for e-Cidadania
ECS Hayashi, VPA Neris, LDA Almeida, CL Rodriguez, MC Martins, ...
RT (IC-08-029), IC/UNICAMP, 2008
Design practices and the sawd tool: Towards the opendesign concept
JV da Silva, R Pereira, ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
Digitalisation, Innovation, and Transformation: 18th IFIP WG 8.1 …, 2018
Accessibility and affect in technologies for museums: a path towards socio-enactive systems
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2017
On feelings of comfort, motivation and joy that GUI and TUI evoke
JE Gutiérrez Posada, ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design Practice …, 2014
Communication and Expression in Social Networks: Getting the" making common" from people
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
2009 Latin American Web Congress, 131-137, 2009
'Affectibility'and design workshops: taking actions towards more sensible design
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2013
Meta-communication in inclusive scenarios: issues and alternatives
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 111-120, 2010
The evaluation of affective quality in social software: preliminary thoughts
LSG Piccolo, ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
II WAIHCWS, IHC2010, 29-38, 2010
Identifying interaction barriers in the use of remote controls
LC de Miranda, ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
2009 Latin American Web Congress, 97-104, 2009
Laptop XO Dentro e Fora da Sala de Aula: Expressão, Diversão e Alfabetização
LC de Miranda, ECS Hayashi, R de Assis, MC Martins, ...
Anais do Workshop de Informática na Escola 1 (1), 1352-1361, 2011
Understanding meta-communication in an inclusive scenario
ECS Hayashi, MCC Baranauskas
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1213-1218, 2010
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