Kevin Simonin
Kevin Simonin
Department of Biology, San Francisco State University
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Nighttime transpiration in woody plants from contrasting ecosystems
TE Dawson, SSO Burgess, KP Tu, RS Oliveira, LS Santiago, JB Fisher, ...
Tree Physiology 27 (4), 561-575, 2007
Foliar water uptake: a common water acquisition strategy for plants of the redwood forest
EB Limm, KA Simonin, AG Bothman, TE Dawson
Oecologia 161, 449-459, 2009
Stable isotopes in leaf water of terrestrial plants
LA Cernusak, MM Barbour, SK Arndt, AW Cheesman, NB English, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 39 (5), 1087-1102, 2016
Fog interception by Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns decouples physiology from soil water deficit
KA Simonin, LS Santiago, TE Dawson
Plant, cell & environment 32 (7), 882-892, 2009
The influence of thinning on components of stand water balance in a ponderosa pine forest stand during and after extreme drought
K Simonin, TE Kolb, M Montes-Helu, GW Koch
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 143 (3-4), 266-276, 2007
Genome downsizing, physiological novelty, and the global dominance of flowering plants
KA Simonin, AB Roddy
PLoS biology 16 (1), e2003706, 2018
Effects of environmental parameters, leaf physiological properties and leaf water relations on leaf water δ18O enrichment in different Eucalyptus species
A Kahmen, K Simonin, KP Tu, A Merchant, A Callister, R Siegwolf, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 31 (6), 738-751, 2008
The scaling of genome size and cell size limits maximum rates of photosynthesis with implications for ecological strategies
AB Roddy, G Théroux-Rancourt, T Abbo, JW Benedetti, CR Brodersen, ...
International Journal of Plant Sciences 181 (1), 75-87, 2020
Online CO2 and H2O oxygen isotope fractionation allows estimation of mesophyll conductance in C4 plants, and reveals that mesophyll conductance decreases as leaves age in both …
MM Barbour, JR Evans, KA Simonin, S Von Caemmerer
New phytologist 210 (3), 875-889, 2016
Restoration thinning and influence of tree size and leaf area to sapwood area ratio on water relations of Pinus ponderosa
K Simonin, TE Kolb, M Montes-Helu, GW Koch
Tree Physiology 26 (4), 493-503, 2006
Species differences in the seasonality of evergreen tree transpiration in a Mediterranean climate: Analysis of multiyear, half‐hourly sap flow observations
P Link, K Simonin, H Maness, J Oshun, T Dawson, I Fung
Water Resources Research 50 (3), 1869-1894, 2014
The isotopic composition of transpiration and rates of change in leaf water isotopologue storage in response to environmental variables
KA Simonin, AB Roddy, P Link, R Apodaca, KP Tu, J Hu, TE Dawson, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment, 2013
Increasing leaf hydraulic conductance with transpiration rate minimizes the water potential drawdown from stem to leaf
KA Simonin, E Burns, B Choat, MM Barbour, TE Dawson, PJ Franks
Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (5), 1303-1315, 2015
Maximum CO2 diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of cell size and genome size
G Théroux-Rancourt, AB Roddy, JM Earles, ME Gilbert, MA Zwieniecki, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1945), 20203145, 2021
Hydraulic conductance of leaves correlates with leaf lifespan: implications for lifetime carbon gain
KA Simonin, L EB, D TE
New Phytologist 193 (4), 939-947, 2012
Collectively improving our teaching: attempting biology department–wide professional development in scientific teaching
MT Owens, G Trujillo, SB Seidel, CD Harrison, KM Farrar, HP Benton, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 17 (1), ar2, 2018
Measurements of transpiration isotopologues and leaf water to assess enrichment models in cotton
X Song, KE Loucos, KA Simonin, GD Farquhar, MM Barbour
New Phytologist 206 (2), 637-646, 2015
The roles of stable isotopes in forest hydrology and biogeochemistry
TE Dawson, KA Simonin
Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry 216, 137-161, 2011
The influence of species and growing conditions on the 18‐O enrichment of leaf water and its impact on ‘effective path length’
A Kahmen, K Simonin, K Tu, GR Goldsmith, TE Dawson
New Phytologist 184 (3), 619-630, 2009
Hydraulic traits are more diverse in flowers than in leaves
AB Roddy, GF Jiang, K Cao, KA Simonin, CR Brodersen
New Phytologist 223 (1), 193-203, 2019
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Articles 1–20