Trevor J. Krabbenhoft
Trevor J. Krabbenhoft
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo
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Climate change effects on North American inland fish populations and assemblages
AJ Lynch, BJE Myers, C Chu, LA Eby, JA Falke, RP Kovach, ...
Fisheries 41 (7), 346-361, 2016
A general hypothesis‐testing framework for stable isotope ratios in ecological studies
TF Turner, ML Collyer, TJ Krabbenhoft
Ecology 91 (8), 2227-2233, 2010
Managing for RADical ecosystem change: applying the Resist‐Accept‐Direct (RAD) framework
AJ Lynch, LM Thompson, EA Beever, DN Cole, AC Engman, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19 (8), 461-469, 2021
Global synthesis of the documented and projected effects of climate change on inland fishes
BJE Myers, AJ Lynch, DB Bunnell, C Chu, JA Falke, RP Kovach, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27, 339-361, 2017
Responding to ecosystem transformation: Resist, accept, or direct?
LM Thompson, AJ Lynch, EA Beever, AC Engman, JA Falke, ST Jackson, ...
Fisheries 46 (1), 8-21, 2021
Interannual variation in reproductive phenology in a riverine fish assemblage: implications for predicting the effects of climate change and altered flow regimes
TJ Krabbenhoft, SP Platania, TF Turner
Freshwater Biology 59 (8), 1744-1754, 2014
Differing evolutionary patterns underlie convergence on elongate morphology in endemic fishes of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina
TJ Krabbenhoft, ML Collyer, JM Quattro
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98 (3), 636-645, 2009
FiCli, the Fish and Climate Change Database, informs climate adaptation and management for freshwater fishes
TJ Krabbenhoft, BJE Myers, JP Wong, C Chu, RW Tingley III, JA Falke, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 124, 2020
Retrospective stable isotope analysis reveals ecosystem responses to river regulation over the last century
TF Turner, TJ Krabbenhoft, ML Collyer, CA Krabbenhoft, MS Edwards, ...
Ecology 96 (12), 3213-3226, 2015
Reproductive phenology and fish community structure in an arid-land river system
TF Turner, TJ Krabbenhoft, AS Burdett
Community ecology of stream fishes: concepts, approaches, and techniques …, 2010
The genome and population genomics of allopolyploid Coffea arabica reveal the diversification history of modern coffee cultivars
J Salojärvi, A Rambani, Z Yu, R Guyot, S Strickler, M Lepelley, C Wang, ...
Nature genetics 56 (4), 721-731, 2024
Nanopore amplicon sequencing reveals molecular convergence and local adaptation of rhodopsin in Great Lakes salmonids
KM Eaton, MA Bernal, NJC Backenstose, DL Yule, TJ Krabbenhoft
Genome biology and evolution 13 (2), evaa237, 2021
Pelagic–littoral resource polymorphism in Hovsgol grayling Thymallus nigrescens from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia
KW Olson, TJ Krabbenhoft, TR Hrabik, B Mendsaikhan, OP Jensen
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 28 (3), 411-423, 2019
Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of Chinese Sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) Reveals Strongly Conserved Synteny Following a Catostomid-Specific Whole …
TJ Krabbenhoft, DJ MacGuigan, NJC Backenstose, H Waterman, T Lan, ...
Genome biology and evolution 13 (9), evab190, 2021
Elassoma gilberti, a new species of pygmy sunfish (Elassomatidae) from Florida and Georgia
F Snelson, T Krabbenhoft, J Quattro
Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 48 (4), 119-144, 2009
Concordant mitochondrial and nuclear DNA partitions define evolutionarily significant units in the imperiled pinewoods darter, Etheostoma mariae (Pisces: Percidae)
TJ Krabbenhoft, FC Rohde, AN Leibman, JM Quattro
Copeia 2008 (4), 909-915, 2008
Symphurus bathyspilus: A New Cynoglossid Flatfish (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae) from Deepwaters of the Indo-West Pacific
TJ Krabbenhoft, TA Munroe
Copeia 2003 (4), 810-817, 2003
Stable isotope evidence for trophic overlap of sympatric Mexican Lake Chapala silversides (Teleostei: Atherinopsidae: Chirostoma spp.)
N Mercado-Silva, J Lyons, R Moncayo-Estrada, P Gesundheit, ...
Neotropical Ichthyology 13, 389-400, 2015
Clock Gene Evolution: Seasonal Timing, Phylogenetic Signal, or Functional Constraint?
TJ Krabbenhoft, TF Turner
Journal of Heredity 105 (3), 407-415, 2014
Concordant patterns of morphological, stable isotope and genetic variation in a recent ecological radiation (Salmonidae: Coregonus spp.)
MA Bernal, DL Yule, W Stott, L Evrard, TE Dowling, TJ Krabbenhoft
Molecular Ecology 31 (17), 4495-4509, 2022
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