Herbert Severson
Systematic screening for behavior disorders (SSBD)
H Severson, B Todis, A Block-Pedego, G Williams, N Haring, M Barckley, ...
SAGE Publications, 1990
A psychometric study of adolescent risk perception
A Benthin, P Slovic, H Severson
Journal of adolescence 16 (2), 153-168, 1993
First step to success: An early intervention approach for preventing school antisocial behavior
HM Walker, K Kavanagh, B Stiller, A Golly, HH Severson, EG Feil
Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders 6 (2), 66-80, 1998
Proactive, early screening to detect behaviorally at-risk students: Issues, approaches, emerging innovations, and professional practices
HH Severson, HM Walker, J Hope-Doolittle, TR Kratochwill, FM Gresham
Journal of School Psychology 45 (2), 193-223, 2007
ESP: Early screening project: A proven child find process
HM Walker, HM Walker, HH Severson, EG Feil
Sopris West, Incorporated, 1995
Making the most of a teachable moment: a smokeless-tobacco cessation intervention in the dental office.
VJ Stevens, H Severson, E Lichtenstein, SJ Little, J Leben
American Journal of Public Health 85 (2), 231-235, 1995
Biochemical validation of smoking status: pros, cons, and data from four low-intensity intervention trials
RE Glasgow, JP Mullooly, TM Vogt, VJ Stevens, E Lichtenstein, JF Hollis, ...
Addictive behaviors 18 (5), 511-527, 1993
Take heart: results from the initial phase of a work-site wellness program.
RE Glasgow, JR Terborg, JF Hollis, HH Severson, SM Boles
American Journal of Public Health 85 (2), 209-216, 1995
Self-initiated quitting among adolescent smokers
S Sussman, CW Dent, H Severson, B Dee, BR Flay
Preventive medicine 27 (5), A19-A28, 1998
A randomized controlled trial of the First Step to Success early intervention: Demonstration of program efficacy outcomes in a diverse, urban school district
HM Walker, JR Seeley, J Small, HH Severson, BA Graham, EG Feil, ...
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 17 (4), 197-212, 2009
Reducing maternal smoking and relapse: long-term evaluation of a pediatric intervention
HH Severson, JA Andrews, E Lichtenstein, M Wall, L Akers
Preventive medicine 26 (1), 120-130, 1997
First step to success: Intervening at the point of school entry to prevent antisocial behavior patterns
HM Walker, HH Severson, EG Feil, B Stiller, A Golly
Psychology in the Schools 35 (3), 259-269, 1998
Defining participant exposure measures in Web-based health behavior change programs
BG Danaher, SM Boles, L Akers, JS Gordon, HH Severson
Journal of Medical Internet Research 8 (3), e542, 2006
Pediatric office-based smoking intervention: impact on maternal smoking and relapse
MA Wall, HH Severson, JA Andrews, E Lichtenstein, L Zoref
Pediatrics 96 (4), 622-628, 1995
School archival records search
HM Walker, A Block-Pedego, B Todis, H Severson
Longmont, CO: Sopris West, 1991
Elementary school age children's future intentions and use of substances
JA Andrews, E Tildesley, H Hops, SC Duncan, HH Severson
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 32 (4), 556-567, 2003
Adolescent health-threatening and health-enhancing behaviors: A study of word association and imagery
A Benthin, P Slovic, P Moran, H Severson, CK Mertz, M Gerrard
Journal of Adolescent Health 17 (3), 143-152, 1995
Risk perception, personality factors and alcohol use among adolescents
SE Hampson, HH Severson, WJ Burns, P Slovic, KJ Fisher
Personality and individual differences 30 (1), 167-181, 2001
Causal factors and potential solutions for the persistent underidentification of students having emotional or behavioral disorders in the context of schooling
HM Walker, VM Nishioka, R Zeller, HH Severson, EG Feil
Assessment for Effective Intervention 26 (1), 29-39, 2000
Sampling bias due to consent procedures with adolescents
HH Severson, DV Ary
Addictive Behaviors 8 (4), 433-437, 1983
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