Professores e aprendizes na Web: a educação na era da Internet C Lucena, H Funks Clube do Futuro, 2000 | 276 | 2000 |
Sistemas colaborativos M Pimentel, H Fuks Elsevier, 2012 | 262* | 2012 |
Applying the 3C model to groupware development H Fuks, AB Raposo, MA Gerosa, CJP Lucena International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 14 (02n03), 299-328, 2005 | 220 | 2005 |
Wearable computing: Accelerometers’ data classification of body postures and movements W Ugulino, D Cardador, K Vega, E Velloso, R Milidiú, H Fuks Advances in Artificial Intelligence-SBIA 2012: 21th Brazilian Symposium on …, 2012 | 212 | 2012 |
The 3c collaboration model H Fuks, A Raposo, MA Gerosa, M Pimental, CJP Lucena Encyclopedia of E-collaboration, 637-644, 2008 | 194 | 2008 |
Do modelo de colaboração 3c à engenharia de groupware H Fuks, AB Raposo, MA Gerosa, CJP Lucena Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web–Webmidia, 0-8, 2003 | 186 | 2003 |
Qualitative activity recognition of weight lifting exercises E Velloso, A Bulling, H Gellersen, W Ugulino, H Fuks Proceedings of the 4th Augmented Human International Conference, 116-123, 2013 | 184 | 2013 |
RU-Typing-2-Me? Evolving a chat tool to increase understanding in learning activities H Fuks, M Pimentel, CJ Pereira de Lucena International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 1, 117-142, 2006 | 151 | 2006 |
The development and application of distance learning courses on the internet H Fuks, MA Gerosa, CJP de Lucena Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 17 (1), 23-38, 2002 | 151 | 2002 |
Engenharia de Groupware: desenvolvimento de aplicações colaborativas H Fuks, AB Raposo, MA Gerosa XXI Jornada de Atualização em Informática, Anais do XXII Congresso da …, 2002 | 133 | 2002 |
Multiparty specification A Finkelstein, H Fuks Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on software specification and …, 1989 | 123 | 1989 |
Modelo 3C de Colaboração para o desenvolvimento de Sistemas Colaborativos M Pimentel, MA Gerosa, D Filippo, A Raposo, H Fuks, CJP Lucena Anais do III Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos 2006 (2006), 58-67, 2006 | 107 | 2006 |
Inter-and intra-relationships between communication coordination and cooperation in the scope of the 3C Collaboration Model H Fuks, A Raposo, MA Gerosa, M Pimentel, D Filippo, C Lucena 2008 12th international conference on computer supported cooperative work in …, 2008 | 101 | 2008 |
Aprendizagem e trabalho cooperativo no ambiente AulaNet H Fuks Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 6 (1), 53-74, 2000 | 99 | 2000 |
Teorias e modelos de colaboração H Fuks, AB Raposo, MA Gerosa, M Pimentel, D Filippo, CJP Lucena Sistemas colaborativos, 16-33, 2011 | 98 | 2011 |
Coordination of collaborative activities: A framework for the definition of tasks interdependencies AB Raposo, LP Magalhães, ILM Ricarte, H Fuks Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on Groupware. CRIWG 2001, 170-179, 2001 | 91 | 2001 |
Defining Task Interdependencies and Coordination Mechanism for Colaborative Systems. AB Raposo, H Fuks COOP, 88-103, 2002 | 87 | 2002 |
Aprendizagem colaborativa com suporte computacional: Uma perspectiva histórica G Stahl, T Koschmann, D Suthers, H Fuks, T Escovedo Boletim Gepem, 2008 | 72 | 2008 |
Is the unfolding of the group discussion off-pattern? Improving coordination support in educational forums using mobile devices MA Gerosa, D Filippo, M Pimentel, H Fuks, CJP Lucena Computers & Education 54 (2), 528-544, 2010 | 68 | 2010 |
Co-text loss in textual chat tools MG Pimentel, H Fuks, CJP de Lucena Modeling and Using Context: 4th International and Interdisciplinary …, 2003 | 66 | 2003 |