Diana Moanga
Cited by
Cited by
Eastern Pacific coral reef provinces, coral community structure and composition: an overview
PW Glynn, JJ Alvarado, S Banks, J Cortés, JS Feingold, C Jiménez, ...
Coral reefs of the Eastern tropical Pacific: persistence and loss in a …, 2017
Using InVEST to assess ecosystem services on conserved properties in Sonoma County, CA
V Butsic, M Shapero, D Moanga, S Larson
California Agriculture 71 (2), 2017
Assessing Extreme Weather-related Vulnerability and Identifying Resilience Options for California's Interdependent Transportation Fuel Sector: A Report for California's Fourth …
JD Radke, GS Biging, KH Roberts, M Schmidt-Poolman, ...
California Energy Commission, 2018
The threat of wildfire is unique to cannabis among agricultural sectors in California
C Dillis, V Butsic, D Moanga, P Parker‐Shames, A Wartenberg, ...
Ecosphere 13 (9), e4205, 2022
“Sealed in San José:” paving of front yards diminishes urban forest resource and benefits in low-density residential neighborhoods
I Laćan, D Moanga, JR McBride, V Butsic
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 54, 126755, 2020
Limited economic-ecological trade-offs in a shifting agricultural landscape: A case study from Kern County, California
AC Wartenberg, D Moanga, MD Potts, V Butsic
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 650727, 2021
The space–time cube as an approach to quantifying future wildfires in California
D Moanga, G Biging, J Radke, V Butsic
International journal of wildland fire 30 (2), 139-153, 2020
A System for Resilience Learning: Developing a Community-Driven, Multi-Sector Research Approach for Greater Preparedness and Resilience to Long-Term Climate Stressors and …
TG Troxler, AC Clement, Y Arditi-Rocha, G Beesing, M Bhat, J Bolson, ...
Journal of extreme events 8 (03), 2150019, 2021
Karenia brevis Hot Spots in the West Florida Shelf and their Associated Socio-economic Implications
DA Moanga
University of Miami, 2015
Hyperlocal observations reveal persistent extreme urban heat in Southeast Florida
A Clement, T Troxler, O Keefe, M Arcodia, M Cruz, A Hernandez, ...
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 62 (7), 863-872, 2023
Farm consolidation and turnover dynamics linked to increased crop diversity and higher agricultural input use
O Hemond, V Butsic, D Moanga, AC Wartenberg
Agricultural Systems 210, 103708, 2023
Modelling land use and land cover changes in California’s landscapes
DA Moanga
University of California, Berkeley, 2020
Identifying drivers of change and predicting future land-use impacts in established farmlands
AC Wartenberg, D Moanga, V Butsic
Journal of Land Use Science 17 (1), 161-180, 2022
Avoided land use conversions and carbon loss from conservation purchases in California
D Moanga, I Schroeter, D Ackerly, V Butsic
Journal of land use science 13 (4), 391-413, 2018
A Hyperlocal Approach to Characterizing Extreme Heat in Miami-Dade County
AC Clement, TG Troxler, OR Keefe, M Arcodia, D Moanga, A Hernandez, ...
102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2022
Crop transitions can drive economic and ecological shifts in an established farming landscape: a case study from California
A Wartenberg, D Moanga, M Potts, V Butsic
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-6307, 2021
The threat of wildfire to cannabis agriculture in California
C Dillis, V Butsic, D Moanga, P Parker-Shames, A Wartenberg, ...
EarthArXiv, 2021
Land Acquisition and Ecosystem Carbon in Coastal California
BR Ackerly, David, John Battles, Van Butsic, Patrick Gonzalez, Maggi Kelly ... …, 2018
Peter W. Glynn, Juan J. Alvarado, Stuart Banks, Jorge Cortés, Joshua S. Feingold, Carlos Jiménez, James E. Maragos, Priscilla Martínez, Juan L. Maté, Diana A. Moanga, Sergio …
PW Glynn
Linking Agricultural Consolidation and Turnover Dynamics to Changing Crop Diversity and Agricultural Resource Use
O Hemond, V Butsic, D Moanga, AC Wartenberg
Available at SSRN 4357573, 0
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Articles 1–20