Stephan Kroll
Stephan Kroll
Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University
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The impact of endowment heterogeneity and origin on public good contributions: evidence from the lab
TL Cherry, S Kroll, JF Shogren
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 57 (3), 357-365, 2005
Conditional cooperation on three continents
MG Kocher, T Cherry, S Kroll, RJ Netzer, M Sutter
Economics Letters 101 (3), 175-178, 2008
Do you not like Pigou, or do you not understand him? Tax aversion and revenue recycling in the lab
S Kallbekken, S Kroll, TL Cherry
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62 (1), 53-64, 2011
Is it love for local/organic or hate for conventional? Asymmetric effects of information and taste on label preferences in an experimental auction
M Costanigro, S Kroll, D Thilmany, M Bunning
Food Quality and Preference 31, 94-105, 2014
Voting, punishment, and public goods
S Kroll, TL Cherry, JF Shogren
Economic Inquiry 45 (3), 557-570, 2007
The acceptability of efficiency-enhancing environmental taxes, subsidies and regulation: An experimental investigation
TL Cherry, S Kallbekken, S Kroll
Environmental Science & Policy 16, 90-96, 2012
An in‐store valuation of local and organic apples: the role of social desirability
M Costanigro, DT McFadden, S Kroll, G Nurse
Agribusiness 27 (4), 465-477, 2011
Risky investment decisions: How are individuals influenced by their groups?
WK Viscusi, OR Phillips, S Kroll
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 43 (2), 1-26, 2011
The impact of endowment heterogeneity and origin on contributions in best-shot public good games
S Kroll, TL Cherry, JF Shogren
Experimental Economics 10 (4), 411-428, 2007
The impact of trial runs on the acceptability of environmental taxes: Experimental evidence
TL Cherry, S Kallbekken, S Kroll
Resource and Energy Economics 38, 84-95, 2014
Accepting market failure: Cultural worldviews and the opposition to corrective environmental policies
TL Cherry, S Kallbekken, S Kroll
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 85, 193-204, 2017
Does solar geoengineering crowd out climate change mitigation efforts? Evidence from a stated preference referendum on a carbon tax
TL Cherry, S Kallbekken, S Kroll, DM McEvoy
Climatic Change 165, 1-8, 2021
Domestic politics and climate change: international public goods in two-level games
S Kroll, JF Shogren
The Politics of Climate Change, 108-128, 2013
Evaluating the effect of conservation motivations on residential water demand
A Maas, C Goemans, D Manning, S Kroll, M Arabi, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 196, 394-401, 2017
Sub-national fiscal activity as a determinant of individual happiness: Ideology matters
RW Wassmer, EL Lascher, S Kroll
Journal of Happiness Studies 10, 563-582, 2009
Crashing the party: An experimental investigation of strategic voting in primary elections
TL Cherry, S Kroll
Public Choice 114 (3), 387-420, 2003
Food beliefs: Elicitation, estimation and implications for labeling policy
M Costanigro, O Deselnicu, S Kroll
Journal of Agricultural Economics 66 (1), 108-128, 2015
Valuing Options in Water Markets: A Laboratory Investigation
K Hansen, J Kaplan, S Kroll
Environmental and Resource Economics 57 (1), 59-80, 2014
Endogenous timing in a gaming tournament
K Hwan Baik, TL Cherry, S Kroll, JF Shogren
Theory and Decision 47, 1-21, 1999
Pigouvian tax aversion and inequity aversion in the lab
S Kallbekken, S Kroll, TL Cherry
Economics Bulletin 30 (3), 1914-1921, 2010
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Articles 1–20