Bérenger Bourgeois
Bérenger Bourgeois
Université Laval, Department of Plant Sciences
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Integrative conservation of riparian zones
E González, MR Felipe-Lucia, B Bourgeois, B Boz, C Nilsson, G Palmer, ...
Biological conservation 211, 20-29, 2017
What makes a weed a weed? A large‐scale evaluation of arable weeds through a functional lens
B Bourgeois, F Munoz, G Fried, L Mahaut, L Armengot, P Denelle, ...
American journal of botany 106 (1), 90-100, 2019
Vegetation response to invasive Tamarix control in southwestern U.S. rivers: a collaborative study including 416 sites
E González, AA Sher, RM Anderson, RF Bay, DW Bean, GJ Bissonnete, ...
Ecological Applications 27 (6), 1789-1804, 2017
Weed diversity is driven by complex interplay between multi-scale dispersal and local filtering
B Bourgeois, S Gaba, C Plumejeaud, V Bretagnolle
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1930), 20201118, 2020
Threshold dynamics in plant succession after tree planting in agricultural riparian zones
B Bourgeois, A Vanasse, E González, R Andersen, M Poulin
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1704-1713, 2016
Divergence between riparian seed banks and standing vegetation increases along successional trajectories
B Bourgeois, C Boutin, A Vanasse, M Poulin
Journal of Vegetation Science 28 (4), 787-797, 2017
Spatial processes structuring riparian plant communities in agroecosystems: implications for restoration
B Bourgeois, E González, A Vanasse, I Aubin, M Poulin
Ecological Applications 26 (7), 2103-2115, 2016
Ecology for sustainable and multifunctional agriculture
S Gaba, A Alignier, S Aviron, S Barot, M Blouin, M Hedde, F Jabot, ...
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 28: Ecology for Agriculture, 1-46, 2018
Establishment success of trees planted in riparian buffer zones along an agricultural intensification gradient
B Bourgeois, A Vanasse, D Rivest, M Poulin
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 222, 60-66, 2016
The Human Element of Restoration Success: Manager Characteristics Affect Vegetation Recovery Following Invasive Tamarix Control
AA Sher, L Clark, AL Henry, ARB Goetz, E González, A Tyagi, I Simpson, ...
Wetlands 40, 1877-1895, 2020
Ecological Specialization and Rarity of Arable Weeds: Insights from a Comprehensive Survey in France
F Munoz, G Fried, L Armengot, B Bourgeois, V Bretagnolle, J Chadoeuf, ...
Plants 9 (7), 824, 2020
Interactive effects between cover crop management and the environment modulate benefits to cash crop yields: a meta-analysis
B Bourgeois, A Charles, LL Van Eerd, N Tremblay, D Lynch, G Bourgeois, ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 102 (3), 656-678, 2022
Controlling erosion while fostering plant biodiversity: A comparison of riverbank stabilization techniques
M Tisserant, B Bourgeois, E González, A Evette, M Poulin
Ecological Engineering 172, 106387, 2021
Trade‐Offs in Seed Dispersal Strategies Across Riparian Trees: The How Matters as Much as the When
E González, B Bourgeois, A Masip, AA Sher
River Research and Applications 32 (4), 786-794, 2016
Establishing a moss cover inhibits the germination of Typha latifolia, an invasive species, in restored peatlands
B Bourgeois, S Hugron, M Poulin
Aquatic botany 100, 76-79, 2012
Macroecological and macroevolutionary patterns emerge in the universe of GNU/Linux operating systems
P Keil, AAM MacDonald, KS Ramirez, JM Bennett, GE García-Peńa, ...
Ecography 41 (11), 1788-1800, 2018
Effects of competition, shade and soil conditions on the recolonization of three forest herbs in tree-planted riparian zones
B Bourgeois, A Vanasse, P Monique
Applied Vegetation Science 19, 679–688, 2016
Do ecological specialization and functional traits explain the abundance–frequency relationship? Arable weeds as a case study
G Fried, L Armengot, J Storkey, B Bourgeois, S Gaba, C Violle, F Munoz
Journal of Biogeography 48 (1), 37-50, 2021
Spatial modeling improves understanding patterns of invasive species defoliation by a biocontrol herbivore
AL Henry, E González, WW Robinson, B Bourgeois, AA Sher
Biological Invasions 20, 3545-3562, 2018
Functional biogeography of weeds reveals how anthropogenic management blurs trait–climate relationships
B Bourgeois, F Munoz, S Gaba, P Denelle, G Fried, J Storkey, C Violle
Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (2), e12999, 2021
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Articles 1–20