Matthew R. McKay
Preliminary identification of potential vaccine targets for the COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) based on SARS-CoV immunological studies
SF Ahmed, AA Quadeer, MR McKay
Viruses 12 (3), 254, 2020
Secure transmission with artificial noise over fading channels: Achievable rate and optimal power allocation
X Zhou, MR McKay
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (8), 3831-3842, 2010
Performance analysis of MIMO-MRC in double-correlated Rayleigh environments
MR McKay, AJ Grant, IB Collings
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55 (3), 497-507, 2007
Rethinking the secrecy outage formulation: A secure transmission design perspective
X Zhou, MR McKay, B Maham, A Hjørungnes
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (3), 302-304, 2011
Ergodic capacity analysis of amplify-and-forward MIMO dual-hop systems
S Jin, MR McKay, C Zhong, KK Wong
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (5), 2204-2224, 2010
General capacity bounds for spatially correlated Rician MIMO channels
MR McKay, IB Collings
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (9), 3121-3145, 2005
On the design of artificial-noise-aided secure multi-antenna transmission in slow fading channels
X Zhang, X Zhou, MR McKay
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (5), 2170-2181, 2013
Adaptive MIMO transmission for exploiting the capacity of spatially correlated channels
A Forenza, MR McKay, A Pandharipande, RW Heath, IB Collings
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56 (2), 619-630, 2007
Error probability and SINR analysis of optimum combining in Rician fading
MR McKay, A Zanella, IB Collings, M Chiani
IEEE Transactions on Communications 57 (3), 676-687, 2009
Statistical eigenmode transmission over jointly correlated MIMO channels
X Gao, B Jiang, X Li, AB Gershman, MR McKay
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (8), 3735-3750, 2009
On the condition number distribution of complex Wishart matrices
M Matthaiou, MR McKay, PJ Smith, JA Nossek
IEEE Transactions on Communications 58 (6), 1705-1717, 2010
Adaptive MIMO transmission techniques for broadband wireless communication systems [Topics in Wireless Communications]
CB Chae, A Forenza, RW Heath, MR McKay, IB Collings
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (5), 112-118, 2010
Sum rate analysis of ZF receivers in distributed MIMO systems
M Matthaiou, C Zhong, MR McKay, T Ratnarajah
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (2), 180-191, 2013
MIMO multichannel beamforming: SER and outage using new eigenvalue distributions of complex noncentral Wishart matrices
S Jin, MR McKay, X Gao, IB Collings
IEEE Transactions on Communications 56 (3), 424-434, 2008
Achievable sum rate of MIMO MMSE receivers: A general analytic framework
MR McKay, IB Collings, AM Tulino
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (1), 396-410, 2009
Capacity and performance of MIMO-BICM with zero-forcing receivers
MR McKay, IB Collings
IEEE Transactions on communications 53 (1), 74-83, 2005
Enhancing secrecy with multi-antenna transmission in wireless ad hoc networks
X Zhang, X Zhou, MR McKay
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 8 (11), 1802-1814, 2013
Channel estimation for reconfigurable intelligent surface aided MISO communications: From LMMSE to deep learning solutions
NK Kundu, MR McKay
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2, 471-487, 2021
Fitness landscape of the human immunodeficiency virus envelope protein that is targeted by antibodies
RHY Louie, KJ Kaczorowski, JP Barton, AK Chakraborty, MR McKay
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (4), E564-E573, 2018
Large dimensional analysis and optimization of robust shrinkage covariance matrix estimators
R Couillet, M McKay
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 131, 99-120, 2014
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