Sergio Antonio Bautista Arredondo
Sergio Antonio Bautista Arredondo
Head of health economics
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Reference case for estimating the costs of global health services and interventions
A Vassall, S Sweeney, J Kahn, G Gomez Guillen, L Bollinger, E Marseille, ...
Global Health Cost Consortium, 2017
Making HIV prevention programmes work
SM Bertozzi, M Laga, S Bautista-Arredondo, A Coutinho
The Lancet 372 (9641), 831-844, 2008
Is the HIV epidemic stable among MSM in Mexico? HIV prevalence and risk behavior results from a nationally representative survey among men who have sex with men
S Bautista-Arredondo, MA Colchero, M Romero, CJ Conde-Glez, ...
PloS one 8 (9), e72616, 2013
HIV prevention costs and program scale: data from the PANCEA project in five low and middle-income countries
E Marseille, L Dandona, N Marshall, P Gaist, S Bautista-Arredondo, ...
BMC health services research 7, 1-9, 2007
Síntomas depresivos y cobertura de diagnóstico y tratamiento de depresión en población mexicana
D Cerecero-García, F Macías-González, T Arámburo-Muro, ...
salud pública de méxico 62 (6), 840-850, 2020
A cross-sectional study of prisoners in Mexico City comparing prevalence of transmissible infections and chronic diseases with that in the general population
S Bautista-Arredondo, A González, E Servan-Mori, F Beynon, ...
PLoS One 10 (7), e0131718, 2015
Using provider performance incentives to increase HIV testing and counseling services in Rwanda
D de Walque, PJ Gertler, S Bautista-Arredondo, A Kwan, C Vermeersch, ...
Journal of health economics 40, 1-9, 2015
Learning effect of a conditional cash transfer programme on poor rural women’s selection of delivery care in Mexico
SG Sosa-Rubí, D Walker, E Serván, S Bautista-Arredondo
Health policy and planning 26 (6), 496-507, 2011
Metodología de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2020 sobre Covid-19
M Romero-Martínez, T Barrientos-Gutiérrez, L Cuevas-Nasu, ...
salud pública de méxico 63 (3), 444-451, 2021
Migration decision-making among Mexican youth: Individual, family, and community influences
CM Tucker, P Torres-Pereda, AM Minnis, SA Bautista-Arredondo
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 35 (1), 61-84, 2013
Optimizing resource allocation for HIV/AIDS prevention programmes: an analytical framework
S Bautista-Arredondo, P Gadsden, JE Harris, SM Bertozzi
Aids 22, S67-S74, 2008
Análisis del uso de servicios ambulatorios curativos en el contexto de la reforma para la protección universal en salud en México
S Bautista-Arredondo, E Serván-Mori, MA Colchero, ...
salud pública de méxico 56, 18-31, 2014
Metodología de la Encuesta nacional de Salud y nutrición 2021
M Romero-Martínez, T Barrientos-Gutiérrez, L Cuevas-Nasu, ...
salud pública de méxico 63 (6), 813-818, 2021
Occupational and leisure time physical inactivity and the risk of type II diabetes and hypertension among Mexican adults: a prospective cohort study
C Medina, I Janssen, S Barquera, S Bautista-Arredondo, ME Gonzalez, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5399, 2018
Guía para medir comportamientos de riesgo en jóvenes
S Bautista-Arredondo, P López-Peña, S McCoy, R Muñoz, D Saric, S Vivo
BID, 2013
Economic impact of antiretroviral therapy prescription decisions in the context of rapid scaling-up of access to treatment: lessons from Mexico
S Bautista-Arredondo, A Mane, SM Bertozzi
aids 20 (1), 101-109, 2006
True Love: Effectiveness of a School-Based Program to Reduce Dating Violence Among Adolescents in Mexico City
SG Sosa-Rubi, B Saavedra-Avendano, C Piras, SJ Van Buren, ...
Prevention science 18, 804-817, 2017
Radiographers supporting radiologists in the interpretation of screening mammography: a viable strategy to meet the shortage in the number of radiologists
G Torres-Mejía, RA Smith, ML Carranza-Flores, A Bogart, ...
BMC cancer 15, 1-12, 2015
Acceptance, refusal, and hesitancy of Covid-19 vaccination in Mexico: Ensanut 2020 Covid-19
M Carnalla, A Basto-Abreu, D Stern, S Bautista-Arredondo, ...
Salud publica de Mexico 63 (5), 598-606, 2021
Same-day initiation of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis among gay, bisexual, and other cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru …
VG Veloso, CF Cáceres, B Hoagland, RI Moreira, H Vega-Ramírez, ...
The Lancet HIV 10 (2), e84-e96, 2023
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Articles 1–20