Zakaria Sorgho
Zakaria Sorgho
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on International Trade and Investment (CEPCI), Université Laval
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Cited by
Geographical indication regulation and intra‐trade in the European Union
Z Sorgho, B Larue
Agricultural Economics 45 (S1), 1-12, 2014
RTAs' Proliferation and Trade‐diversion Effects: Evidence of the ‘Spaghetti Bowl’Phenomenon
Z Sorgho
The World Economy 39 (2), 285-300, 2016
Trade in environmental goods: evidences from an analysis using elasticities of trade costs
LD Tamini, Z Sorgho
Environmental and Resource Economics 70, 53-75, 2018
Do Geographical Indications really increase trade? A conceptual framework and empirics
Z Sorgho, B Larue
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 16 (1), 20170010, 2018
Assessing the impact of unilateral trade policies EBA and AGOA on African beneficiaries' exports using matching econometrics
Z Sorgho, J Tharakan
The World Economy 42 (10), 3086-3118, 2019
Chaines de valeur des petits ruminants au Burkina Faso: Analyse de situation
LD Tamini, ML Fadiga, Z Sorgho
ILRI Project Report, 2014
Do PTAs with environmental provisions reduce GHG emissions? Distinguishing the role of climate-related provisions
Z Sorgho, J Tharakan
Environmental and Resource Economics 83 (3), 709-732, 2022
Un nouveau pont sur l’Atlantique: L’Accord économique et commercial global entre l’Union européenne et le Canada
C Deblock, J Lebullenger, S Paquin
PUQ, 2015
Market integration across Africa: Progress and challenges ahead
J De Melo, JM Solleder, Z Sorgho
African Development Bank, 2020
A Primer on African Market Integration with a Hard look at Progress and Challenges Ahead
J de Melo, JM Solleder, Z Sorgho
La mobilité des capitaux en Afrique de l’Ouest: investigation avec les pays de la CEDEAO
C Ouédraogo, A Koté, Z Sorgho
Document de travail 6 (01), 2015
Implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA): estimates of reduction in time at customs for the United Nations' vulnerable economies
J de Melo, Z Sorgho, L Wagner
FERDI Working Paper, 2021
The spread of international trade agreements: A dynamics towards the ‘spaghetti bowl’phenomenon?
Z Sorgho
Handbook of International Trade Agreements, 41-55, 2018
Do PTAs with environmental provisions reduce emissions? Assessing the effectiveness of climate-related provisions?
Z Sorgho, T Joe
Trade in environmental goods: how important are trade costs elasticities?
LD Tamini, Z Sorgho
CREATE working paper serie 2016-3, 2016
Développement industriel de l'Afrique: Comment la zone de libre-échange continentale Africaine (ZLECAf) peut-elle y contribuer?
Z Sorgho
FERDI Document de travail, 2023
Protection des dénominations géographiques dans l'Union Européenne: effectivité et analyse des effets sur le commerce
Z Sorgho
L'économie agricole du Burkina Faso: un potentiel de développement: diagnostic, politiques commerciales, intégration commerciale, APR
Z Sorgho
Éditions Baudelaire, 2010
La libéralisation des échanges des biens environnementaux peut-elle contribuer à l’atteinte des objectifs environnementaux de l’OMC et de l’APEC? Une analyse par le biais des …
LD Tamini, Z Sorgho
US suspension policy from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA): An estimation of the missing exports from sub‐Saharan Africa
Z Sorgho
South African Journal of Economics 92 (4), 524-548, 2024
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Articles 1–20