Bisserka Gaydarska
Bisserka Gaydarska
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The genomic history of southeastern Europe
I Mathieson, S Alpaslan-Roodenberg, C Posth, A Szécsényi-Nagy, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 197-203, 2018
Parts and wholes. Fragmentation in prehistoric context
JC Chapman, BI Gaydarska
New perspectives on the Varna cemetery (Bulgaria)–AMS dates and social implications
T Higham, J Chapman, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, N Honch, Y Yordanov, ...
antiquity 81 (313), 640-654, 2007
The genetic history of the Southern Arc: A bridge between West Asia and Europe
I Lazaridis, S Alpaslan-Roodenberg, A Acar, A Açıkkol, A Agelarakis, ...
Science 377 (6609), eabm4247, 2022
The Routledge handbook of archaeological human remains and legislation: An international guide to laws and practice in the excavation and treatment of archaeological human remains
N Márquez-Grant, L Fibiger
Taylor & Francis, 2011
The social context of the emergence, development and abandonment of the Varna cemetery, Bulgaria
J Chapman, T Higham, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, N Honch
European Journal of Archaeology 9 (2-3), 159-183, 2006
The second phase of the Trypillia mega-site methodological revolution: A new research agenda
J Chapman, MY Videiko, D Hale, B Gaydarska, N Burdo, K Rassmann, ...
European Journal of Archaeology 17 (3), 369-406, 2014
A palaeodietary investigation of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) in human and faunal bones from the Copper Age cemeteries of Varna I and Durankulak, Bulgaria
NV Honch, TFG Higham, J Chapman, B Gaydarska, REM Hedges
journal of Archaeological Science 33 (11), 1493-1504, 2006
The end of the affair: formal chronological modelling for the top of the Neolithic tell of Vinča-Belo Brdo
WA Tasić N, Marić M, Penezić K, Filipović D, Borojević K, Borić B, Cook G ...
Antiquity 89, 1062-84, 2015
The city is dead! Long live the city!
B Gaydarska
Norwegian archaeological review 49 (1), 40-57, 2016
. A Vinča potscape: formal chronological models for the use and development of Vinća ceramics in south-east Europe.
NTMVL Alasdair Whittle, Alex Bayliss, Alistair Barclay, Bisserka Gaydarska ...
Documenta Praehistorica 43, 1-60, 2016
Trypillia megasites in context: independent urban development in Chalcolithic Eastern Europe
B Gaydarska, M Nebbia, J Chapman
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30 (1), 97-121, 2020
The ‘oriental’component of the Balkan flora: evidence of presence on the Thracian Plain during the Weichselian late‐glacial
EK Magyari, JC Chapman, B Gaydarska, E Marinova, T Deli, JP Huntley, ...
Journal of biogeography 35 (5), 865-883, 2008
Introduction: European prehistory and urban studies
B Gaydarska
Journal of World Prehistory 30, 177-188, 2017
The aesthetics of colour and brilliance–or why were prehistoric persons interested in rocks, minerals, clays and pigments
B Gaydarska, J Chapman
Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy. Proceedings of the International …, 2008
Early urbanism in Europe: the Trypillia megasites of the Ukrainian forest-steppe
B Gaydarska
De Gruyter, 2020
AMS dating of the late copper age Varna cemetery, Bulgaria
T Higham, V Slavchev, B Gaydarska, J Chapman
Radiocarbon 60 (2), 493-516, 2018
The lives of houses: duration, context, and history at Neolithic Uivar, Romania
F Draşovean, W Schier, A Bayliss, B Gaydarska, A Whittle
European Journal of Archaeology 20 (4), 636-662, 2017
Micro‐PIXE geochemical fingerprinting of nephrite neolithic artifacts from Southwest Bulgaria
RI Kostov, C Protochristov, C Stoyanov, L Csedreki, A Simon, Z Szikszai, ...
Geoarchaeology 27 (5), 457-469, 2012
Contrasting subsistence strategies in the Early Iron Age?–new results from the Alföld Plain, Hungary, and the Thracian Plain, Bulgaria
J Chapman, E MAGYARI, B Gaydarska
Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28 (2), 155-187, 2009
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Articles 1–20