Irene A. Liu
Irene A. Liu
Science Editor, Center for Conservation Media, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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Macrogeographic vocal variation in subspecies of swamp sparrow
IA Liu, B Lohr, B Olsen, R Greenberg
The Condor 110 (1), 102-109, 2008
Interactions between sexual and natural selection on the evolution of a plumage badge
BJ Olsen, R Greenberg, IA Liu, JM Felch, JR Walters
Evolutionary Ecology 24, 731-748, 2010
Genetic diversity does not explain variation in extra‐pair paternity in multiple populations of a songbird
IA Liu, JE Johndrow, J Abe, S Lüpold, K Yasukawa, DF Westneat, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 28 (5), 1156-1169, 2015
Song type matching and vocal performance in territorial signalling by male swamp sparrows
IA Liu, JA Soha, S Nowicki
Animal Behaviour 139, 117-125, 2018
Conservation genetics and genetic mating system of the yellow-shouldered blackbird (Agelaius xanthomus), an endangered island endemic
IA Liu
Conservation Genetics 16 (5), 1041-1053, 2015
Using population genetics and demographic reconstruction to predict outcomes of genetic rescue for an endangered songbird
IA Liu, R López-Ortiz, K Ramos-Álvarez, R Medina-Miranda
Conservation Genetics 19 (3), 729–736, 2018
Building bridges in the conversation on eponymous common names of North American birds
IA Liu, ER Gulson‐Castillo, JX Wu, AJC Demery, N Cortes‐Rodriguez, ...
Ibis, 2024
Yellowshouldered blackbird/shiny cowbird population and habitat viability assessment workshop final report
R Medina-Miranda, R López-Ortiz, K Ramos-Álvarez, J Cruz-Burgos, ...
IUCN SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, Apple Valley, 1-143, 2013
Low genetic diversity in a population of Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor), a species pending Endangered status
IA Liu, RJ Meese
bioRxiv, 2020.07. 13.201574, 2020
Erratum to: Conservation genetics and genetic mating system of the yellow-shouldered blackbird (Agelaius xanthomus), an endangered island endemic
IA Liu
Conservation Genetics 17 (6), 1475-1476, 2016
Molecular Causes and Consequences of Sperm Competition in Agelaius Blackbirds
I Ai
Duke University, 2014
Ad Hoc English Bird Names Committee Recommendations for Council of the American Ornithological Society (AOS)
M Iliff, T James, A Jaramillo, I Liu, E Nol, T Peters, P Rasmussen, M Retter, ...
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