Davide Zoccolan
How does the brain solve visual object recognition?
JJ DiCarlo, D Zoccolan, NC Rust
Neuron 73 (3), 415-434, 2012
Intrinsic dimension of data representations in deep neural networks
A Ansuini, A Laio, JH Macke, D Zoccolan
Adv. Neural Info. Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 32, 2019
Multiple object response normalization in monkey inferotemporal cortex
D Zoccolan, DD Cox, JJ DiCarlo
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (36), 8150-8164, 2005
Trade-off between object selectivity and tolerance in monkey inferotemporal cortex
D Zoccolan, M Kouh, T Poggio, JJ DiCarlo
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (45), 12292-12307, 2007
A rodent model for the study of invariant visual object recognition
D Zoccolan, N Oertelt, JJ DiCarlo, DD Cox
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (21), 8748-8753, 2009
Shape similarity, better than semantic membership, accounts for the structure of visual object representations in a population of monkey inferotemporal neurons
C Baldassi, A Alemi-Neissi, M Pagan, JJ DiCarlo, R Zecchina, D Zoccolan
PLoS computational biology 9 (8), e1003167, 2013
What response properties do individual neurons need to underlie position and clutter “invariant” object recognition?
N Li, DD Cox, D Zoccolan, JJ DiCarlo
Journal of neurophysiology 102 (1), 360-376, 2009
3D meshes of carbon nanotubes guide functional reconnection of segregated spinal explants
S Usmani, ER Aurand, M Medelin, A Fabbro, D Scaini, J Laishram, ...
Science advances 2 (7), e1600087, 2016
Invariant visual object recognition and shape processing in rats
D Zoccolan
Behavioural brain research 285, 10-33, 2015
Supralinear and supramodal integration of visual and tactile signals in rats: psychophysics and neuronal mechanisms
N Nikbakht, A Tafreshiha, D Zoccolan, ME Diamond
Neuron 97 (3), 626-639. e8, 2018
Multifeatural shape processing in rats engaged in invariant visual object recognition
A Alemi-Neissi, FB Rosselli, D Zoccolan
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (14), 5939-5956, 2013
Emergence of transformation-tolerant representations of visual objects in rat lateral extrastriate cortex
S Tafazoli, H Safaai, G De Franceschi, FB Rosselli, W Vanzella, M Riggi, ...
Elife 6, e22794, 2017
Transformation-tolerant object recognition in rats revealed by visual priming
S Tafazoli, A Di Filippo, D Zoccolan
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (1), 21-34, 2012
A self-calibrating, camera-based eye tracker for the recording of rodent eye movements
D Zoccolan, BJ Graham, DD Cox
Frontiers in neuroscience 4, 193, 2010
Nonlinear processing of shape information in rat lateral extrastriate cortex
G Matteucci, RB Marotti, M Riggi, FB Rosselli, D Zoccolan
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (9), 1649-1670, 2019
Accuracy of Rats in Discriminating Visual Objects Is Explained by the Complexity of Their Perceptual Strategy
V Djurdjevic, A Ansuini, D Bertolini, D Macke, Jakob H, Zoccolan
Current Biology 28 (7), 1005-1015, 2018
Object similarity affects the perceptual strategy underlying invariant visual object recognition in rats
FB Rosselli, A Alemi, A Ansuini, D Zoccolan
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 9, 10, 2015
Highly variable spike trains underlie reproducible sensorimotor responses in the medicinal leech
D Zoccolan, G Pinato, V Torre
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (24), 10790-10800, 2002
Temporal stability of stimulus representation increases along rodent visual cortical hierarchies
E Piasini, L Soltuzu, P Muratore, R Caramellino, K Vinken, H Op de Beeck, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4448, 2021
Unsupervised experience with temporal continuity of the visual environment is causally involved in the development of V1 complex cells
G Matteucci, D Zoccolan
Science advances 6 (22), eaba3742, 2020
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