Mei-Ching Lien
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Stimulus-response compatibility and psychological refractory period effects: Implications for response selection
MC Lien, RW Proctor
Psychonomic bulletin & review 9, 212-238, 2002
Contingent attentional capture by top-down control settings: converging evidence from event-related potentials.
MC Lien, E Ruthruff, Z Goodin, RW Remington
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34 (3), 509, 2008
Usability and security an appraisal of usability issues in information security methods
EE Schultz, RW Proctor, MC Lien, G Salvendy
Computers & Security 20 (7), 620-634, 2001
Improving computer security for authentication of users: Influence of proactive password restrictions
RW Proctor, MC Lien, KPL Vu, EE Schultz, G Salvendy
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 34, 163-169, 2002
Attentional limitations in doing two tasks at once: The search for exceptions
MC Lien, E Ruthruff, JC Johnston
Current Directions in Psychological Science 15 (2), 89-93, 2006
Attentional capture with rapidly changing attentional control settings.
MC Lien, E Ruthruff, JC Johnston
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 36 (1), 1, 2010
Task switching and response correspondence in the psychological refractory period paradigm.
MC Lien, R Schweickert, RW Proctor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 29 (3), 692, 2003
Multiple spatial correspondence effects on dual-task performance.
MC Lien, RW Proctor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 26 (4 …, 2000
On the limits of advance preparation for a task switch: Do people prepare all the task some of the time or some of the task all the time?
MC Lien, E Ruthruff, RW Remington, JC Johnston
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 31 (2), 299, 2005
The problem of latent attentional capture: Easy visual search conceals capture by task-irrelevant abrupt onsets.
N Gaspelin, E Ruthruff, MC Lien
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (8 …, 2016
Alexithymia in men: How and when do emotional processing deficiencies occur?
RF Levant, PA Allen, MC Lien
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 15 (3), 324, 2014
Visual word recognition without central attention: evidence for greater automaticity with advancing age.
MC Lien, PA Allen, E Ruthruff, J Grabbe, RS McCann, RW Remington
Psychology and Aging 21 (3), 431, 2006
Ideomotor compatibility in the psychological refractory period effect: 29 years of oversimplification.
MC Lien, RW Proctor, PA Allen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 28 (2), 396, 2002
Task switching in a hierarchical task structure: evidence for the fragility of the task repetition benefit.
MC Lien, E Ruthruff
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 (3), 697, 2004
Dual-task performance with ideomotor-compatible tasks: Is the central processing bottleneck intact, bypassed, or shifted in locus?
MC Lien, RS McCann, E Ruthruff, RW Proctor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 31 (1), 122, 2005
Task-specific and general cognitive effects in Chiari malformation type I
PA Allen, JR Houston, JW Pollock, C Buzzelli, X Li, AK Harrington, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e94844, 2014
Attentional capture by singletons is contingent on top-down control settings: Evidence from electrophysiological measures
MC Lien, E Ruthruff, L Cornett
Visual Cognition 18 (5), 682-727, 2010
Inhibition of task set: Converging evidence from task choice in the voluntary task-switching paradigm
MC Lien, E Ruthruff
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 15, 1111-1116, 2008
Stroop dilution depends on the nature of the color carrier but not on its location.
YS Cho, MC Lien, RW Proctor
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32 (4), 826, 2006
Visual word recognition without central attention: Evidence for greater automaticity with greater reading ability
E Ruthruff, PA Allen, MC Lien, J Grabbe
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 15, 337-343, 2008
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Articles 1–20