Gustavo Carvalho
Gustavo Carvalho
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NAT2TESTSCR: Test case generation from natural language requirements based on SCR specifications
G Carvalho, D Falcão, F Barros, A Sampaio, A Mota, L Motta, M Blackburn
Science of Computer Programming 95, 275-297, 2014
NAT2TEST tool: From natural language requirements to test cases based on CSP
G Carvalho, F Barros, A Carvalho, A Cavalcanti, A Mota, A Sampaio
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 13th International Conference, SEFM …, 2015
Model-based testing from controlled natural language requirements
G Carvalho, F Barros, F Lapschies, U Schulze, J Peleska
Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems: Second International Workshop …, 2014
Test case generation from natural language requirements based on SCR specifications
G Carvalho, D Falcão, F Barros, A Sampaio, A Mota, L Motta, M Blackburn
Proceedings of the 28th annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 1217-1222, 2013
RoboStar technology: a roboticist’s toolbox for combined proof, simulation, and testing
A Cavalcanti, W Barnett, J Baxter, G Carvalho, MC Filho, A Miyazawa, ...
Software Engineering for Robotics, 249-293, 2021
Sound conformance testing for cyber-physical systems: Theory and implementation
H Araujo, G Carvalho, M Mohaqeqi, MR Mousavi, A Sampaio
Science of Computer Programming 162, 35-54, 2018
A CSP timed input-output relation and a strategy for mechanised conformance verification
G Carvalho, A Sampaio, A Mota
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 15th International Conference on …, 2013
Modelling timed reactive systems from natural-language requirements
G Carvalho, A Cavalcanti, A Sampaio
Formal Aspects of Computing 28, 725-765, 2016
RoboWorld: Where can my robot work?
A Cavalcanti, J Baxter, G Carvalho
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 19th International Conference, SEFM …, 2021
Multi-objective search for effective testing of cyber-physical systems
H Araujo, G Carvalho, MR Mousavi, A Sampaio
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 17th International Conference, SEFM …, 2019
Formal modelling of environment restrictions from natural-language requirements
T Santos, G Carvalho, A Sampaio
Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications: 21st Brazilian Symposium, SBMF …, 2018
A formal model for natural-language timed requirements of reactive systems
G Carvalho, A Carvalho, E Rocha, A Cavalcanti, A Sampaio
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 16th International Conference on …, 2014
An analytical and experimental comparison of CSP extensions and tools
L Shi, Y Liu, J Sun, JS Dong, G Carvalho
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 14th International Conference on …, 2012
CPN simulation-based test case generation from controlled natural-language requirements
BCF Silva, G Carvalho, A Sampaio
Science of Computer Programming 181, 111-139, 2019
FDR: from theory to industrial application
T Gibson-Robinson, G Broadfoot, G Carvalho, P Hopcroft, G Lowe, ...
Concurrency, Security, and Puzzles: Essays Dedicated to Andrew William …, 2017
Test case generation from natural language requirements using cpn simulation
BCF Silva, G Carvalho, A Sampaio
Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications: 18th Brazilian Symposium, SBMF …, 2016
NAT2TEST: generating test cases from natural language requirements based on CSP
H Araújo, G Carvalho, B Medeiros, A Sampaio
Model checking requirements
S Barza, G Carvalho, J Iyoda, A Sampaio, A Mota, F Barros
Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications: 19th Brazilian Symposium, SBMF …, 2016
Roboworld: Verification of robotic systems with environment in the loop
J Baxter, G Carvalho, A Cavalcanti, FR Júnior
Formal Aspects of Computing 35 (4), 1-46, 2023
Um processo de recomendação de modelos de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos
G Carvalho, A Vasconcelos, F Silva
Proceedings do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Gerenciamento de Projetos. Ouro …, 2009
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