Liviu Giosan
Cited by
Cited by
Sinking deltas due to human activities
JPM Syvitski, AJ Kettner, I Overeem, EWH Hutton, MT Hannon, ...
Nature Geoscience 2 (10), 681-686, 2009
Wave‐influenced deltas: Geomorphological implications for facies reconstruction
JP Bhattacharya, L Giosan
Sedimentology 50 (1), 187-210, 2003
Climate change: Protect the world's deltas
L Giosan, J Syvitski, S Constantinescu, J Day
Nature 516 (7529), 31-33, 2014
Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization
L Giosan, PD Clift, MG Macklin, DQ Fuller, S Constantinescu, JA Durcan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (26), E1688-E1694, 2012
Climatic control of Mississippi River flood hazard amplified by river engineering
SE Munoz, L Giosan, MD Therrell, JWF Remo, Z Shen, RM Sullivan, ...
Nature 556 (7699), 95-98, 2018
Holocene aridification of India
C Ponton, L Giosan, TI Eglinton, DQ Fuller, JE Johnson, P Kumar, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (3), 2012
Holocene erosion of the Lesser Himalaya triggered by intensified summer monsoon
PD Clift, L Giosan, J Blusztajn, IH Campbell, C Allen, M Pringle, ...
Geology 36 (1), 79-82, 2008
Recent morphodynamics of the Indus delta shore and shelf
L Giosan, S Constantinescu, PD Clift, AR Tabrez, M Danish, A Inam
Continental Shelf Research 26 (14), 1668-1684, 2006
Young Danube delta documents stable Black Sea level since the middle Holocene: Morphodynamic, paleogeographic, and archaeological implications
L Giosan, JP Donnelly, S Constantinescu, F Filip, I Ovejanu, ...
Geology 34 (9), 757-760, 2006
Battling to save the world's river deltas
CJ Vörösmarty, J Syvitski, J Day, A De Sherbinin, L Giosan, C Paola
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 65 (2), 31-43, 2009
The geographic, geological and oceanographic setting of the Indus River
A Inam, PD Clift, L Giosan, AR Tabrez, M Tahir, MM Rabbani, M Danish
Large rivers: geomorphology and management 1, 333-346, 2007
Approaches to defining deltaic sustainability in the 21st century
JW Day, J Agboola, Z Chen, C D’Elia, DL Forbes, L Giosan, P Kemp, ...
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 183, 275-291, 2016
River delta morphodynamics: Examples from the Danube delta
L Giosan, JP Donnelly, E Vespremeanu, JP Bhattacharya, C Olariu, ...
Decrease in coccolithophore calcification and CO2 since the middle Miocene
CT Bolton, MT Hernández-Sánchez, MÁ Fuertes, S González-Lemos, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10284, 2016
Evolution of the plankton paleome in the Black Sea from the Deglacial to Anthropocene
MJL Coolen, WD Orsi, C Balkema, C Quince, K Harris, SP Sylva, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (21), 8609-8614, 2013
Early anthropogenic transformation of the Danube-Black Sea system
L Giosan, MJL Coolen, JO Kaplan, S Constantinescu, F Filip, ...
Scientific Reports 2 (1), 582, 2012
U-Pb zircon dating evidence for a Pleistocene Sarasvati River and capture of the Yamuna River
PD Clift, A Carter, L Giosan, J Durcan, GAT Duller, MG Macklin, A Alizai, ...
Geology 40 (3), 211-214, 2012
Dynamics and vulnerability of delta systems
I Overeem, RG Brakenridge
GKSS Research Centre, LOICZ Internat. Project Office, Inst. for Coastal Research, 2009
Paleoceanographic significance of sediment color on western North Atlantic drifts: I. Origin of color
L Giosan, RD Flood, RC Aller
Marine Geology 189 (1-2), 25-41, 2002
Was the Black Sea catastrophically flooded in the early Holocene?
L Giosan, F Filip, S Constatinescu
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (1-2), 1-6, 2009
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Articles 1–20