Jakub Gałka
Jakub Gałka
Pex.com, Techmo.pl, AGH UST Lect.
Потвърден имейл адрес: agh.edu.pl - Начална страница
Audio Replay Attack Detection Using High-Frequency Features
M Witkowski, S Kacprzak, P Zelasko, K Kowalczyk, J Gałka
Interspeech 2017, 27-31, 2017
Inertial motion sensing glove for sign language gesture acquisition and recognition
J Gałka, M Mąsior, M Zaborski, K Barczewska
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (16), 6310-6316, 2016
Playback attack detection for text-dependent speaker verification over telephone channels
J Gałka, M Grzywacz, R Samborski
Speech Communication 67, 143-153, 2015
Voice authentication embedded solution for secured access control
J Gałka, M Mąsior, M Salasa
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 60 (4), 653-661, 2014
Automatic speech recognition system dedicated for Polish
M Ziółko, J Gałka, B Ziółko, T Jadczyk, D Skurzok, M Masior
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
Perceptual wavelet decomposition for speech segmentation
M Ziółko, J Gałka, B Ziółko, T Drwiega
Proceedings of the Interspeech, 2234-2237, 2010
Wavelets in speech segmentation
J Galka, M Ziolko
MELECON 2008-The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 876-879, 2008
Modified weighted Levenshtein distance in automatic speech recognition
B Ziółko, J Gałka, T Jadczyk, D Skurzok
Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Biology …, 2010
Triphone statistics for Polish language
B Ziółko, J Gałka, S Manandhar, RC Wilson, M Ziółko
Language and Technology Conference, 63-73, 2007
Wavelet-Fourier analysis for speaker recognition
M Ziółko, R Samborski, J Gałka, B Ziółko
17th national conference on applications of mathematics in biology and …, 2011
Mean best basis algorithm for wavelet speech parameterization
J Galka, M Ziolko
2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and …, 2009
SARMATA 2.0 automatic Polish language speech recognition system
B Ziółko, T Jadczyk, D Skurzok, P Żelasko, J Gałka, T Pędzimąż, I Gawlik, ...
Interspeech, Dresden, 2015
Wavelet parametrization for speech recognition
J Gałka, M Ziółko
Proceedings of an ISCA tutorial and research workshop on non-linear speech …, 2009
Application of HTK to the Polish Language
B Zi'olko, S Manandhar, RC Wilson, M Zi'olko, J Galka
2008 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, 1759-1764, 2008
System for multimodal data acquisition for human action recognition
F Malawski, J Gałka
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-26, 2018
System supporting speaker identification in emergency call center
J Gałka, J Grzybowska, M Igras, P Jaciów, K Wajda, M Witkowski, ...
Sixteenth annual conference of the international speech communication …, 2015
Polish phoneme statistics obtained on large set of written texts
B Ziółko, J Gałka, M Ziółko
Computer Science 10, 97-106, 2009
Optymalizacja parametryzacji sygnału w aspekcie rozpoznawania mowy polskiej
J Gałka
Prac. dokt. AGH, 31-37, 2008
Study of performance evaluation methods for non-uniform speech segmentation
J Gałka, B Ziółko
International Journal Of Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing, NAUN, 2008
Wavelet-Fourier Analysis of Speech Signal
M Ziółko, M Kępiński, J Gałka
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services, 2003
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