D.F. Chapman
Tissue flows in grazed plant communities
G Lemaire, D Chapman
The ecology and management of grazing systems, 1996
Morphogenetic and structural determinants of plant regrowth after defoliation
DF Chapman, G Lemaire
Networks of practice for co-construction of agricultural decision support systems: Case studies of precision dairy farms in Australia
CR Eastwood, DF Chapman, MS Paine
Agricultural Systems 108, 10-18, 2012
Morphology and response of roots of pasture species to phosphorus and nitrogen nutrition
JO Hill, RJ Simpson, AD Moore, DF Chapman
Plant and Soil 286, 7-19, 2006
DairyMod and EcoMod: biophysical pasture-simulation models for Australia and New Zealand
IR Johnson, DF Chapman, VO Snow, RJ Eckard, AJ Parsons, ...
Australian journal of experimental agriculture 48 (5), 621-631, 2008
The principles of pasture growth and utilization
AJ Parsons, DF Chapman
Grass, its production and utilization. London: Blackwell Science, 31-89, 2000
Past lessons and future prospects: plant breeding for yield and persistence in cool‐temperate pastures
AJ Parsons, GR Edwards, PCD Newton, DF Chapman, JR Caradus, ...
Grass and Forage Science 66 (2), 153-172, 2011
Impacts of spatial patterns in pasture on animal grazing behavior, intake, and performance
DF Chapman, AJ Parsons, GP Cosgrove, DJ Barker, DM Marotti, ...
Crop Science 47 (1), 399-415, 2007
The ecology and management of grazing systems
G Lemaire, D Chapman, J Hodgson, AW Illius
Growth and demography of Trifolium repens stolons in grazed hill pastures
DF Chapman
Journal of applied ecology, 597-608, 1983
Simulating pasture growth rates in Australian and New Zealand grazing systems
BR Cullen, RJ Eckard, MN Callow, IR Johnson, DF Chapman, ...
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59 (8), 761-768, 2008
Pasture and forage crop systems for non-irrigated dairy farms in southern Australia. 1. Physical production and economic performance
DF Chapman, SN Kenny, D Beca, IR Johnson
Agricultural systems 97 (3), 108-125, 2008
Gaseous nitrogen loss from temperate perennial grass and clover dairy pastures in south-eastern Australia
RJ Eckard, D Chen, RE White, DF Chapman
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (6), 561-570, 2003
Perennial ryegrass breeding in New Zealand: a dairy industry perspective
JM Lee, C Matthew, ER Thom, DF Chapman
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (2), 107-127, 2012
Leaf and tiller growth of Lolium perenne and Agrostis spp. and leaf appearance rates of Trifolium repens in set-stocked and rotationally grazed hill pastures
DF Chapman, DA Clark, CA Land, N Dymock
New Zealand journal of agricultural research 26 (2), 159-168, 1983
An economically based evaluation index for perennial and short‐term ryegrasses in N ew Z ealand dairy farm systems
DF Chapman, JR Bryant, ME Olayemi, GR Edwards, BS Thorrold, ...
Grass and Forage Science 72 (1), 1-21, 2017
Management of clover in grazed pastures: expectations, limitations and opportunities
DF Chapman, AJ Parsons, S Schwinning
NZGA: Research and Practice Series 6, 55-64, 1995
Effects of pasture species mixture, management, and environment on the productivity and persistence of dairy pastures in south-west Victoria. 1. Herbage accumulation and …
ZN Nie, DF Chapman, J Tharmaraj, R Clements
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 55 (6), 625-636, 2004
Effects of grazing method and fertiliser inputs on the productivity and sustainability of phalaris-based pastures in Western Victoria
DF Chapman, MR McCaskill, PE Quigley, AN Thompson, JF Graham, ...
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 43 (8), 785-798, 2003
Regrowth dynamics and grazing decision rules: further analysis for dairy production systems based on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) pastures
DF Chapman, J Tharmaraj, M Agnusdei, J Hill
Grass and Forage Science 67 (1), 77-95, 2012
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